Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Ever Heard About Evergreen Markets For Bloggers

In order to build high quality blogs that attract targeted visitors (and buyers!), your blogs needs the fundamental components that will help to build a strong foundation for your business.

Blogging is a great way to make money, and can be a viable business to anyone, regardless of experience or knowledge, but in order to develop a blog that stands out in the market and appeals to the majority of your market, you need to carefully consider both the topic, theme and overall quality of your blog, so that you can spread a positive message throughout your market and establish yourself as a credible source for information.

Creating a profitable blog begins with choosing your niche market, and while there are literally hundreds of topics and niche markets that you could build your blog around, there are markets that are considered «evergreen», and are easier to develop blogs around as well as focus your websites on long-term growth.

Evergreen markets consist of buyers who are always in need of specific information. These markets aren't based on trends nor are they likely to fade out anytime soon, but instead, are consistently refueled by new customers and desperate buyers anxious to solve their problems or find answers to the questions that are burning in their minds.

If you build a blog around an evergreen market, you'll never have to worry that your information and content is no longer relevant, or that your target audience is dwindling down in size.

One of the most important things you can do is first evaluate and identify niche markets that encompass three major elements:

1) You can easily identify exactly who your audience is.
2) There are motivated, active buyers in the niche market.
3) You are able to get your marketing message across to your audience.

There's no sense in trying to find an untapped niche market. There are few of them out there and those that exist would take a lot of work in order to penetrate.

Then, you'd have to condition buyers, research angles and test out different campaigns and approaches before you determine what was successful.

Forget about that! It's always easier to make money in niches that are already proven to be profitable, and that is what you need to focus on.

You always want to conduct as much research about your markets as possible however, so that you can really understand what your target audience is interested in and create compelling campaigns that 'speak their language'.

You want to know:

- What people are currently buying
- Where there are any potential market gaps for products you could create
- How much of a demand exists in the market
- What your customer base is most interested in, concerned with, needing help with.

In other words, pay attention to who you are selling to before you determine what you are going to sell and your campaigns will be successful.

It's likely that you've already got most of the research you need right in your own memory bank. Think about the general health market and then dissect it so that you have 10-15 health related niches to evaluate.

Health - General / Broad Market

Segments include:
- How to lose weight
- How to prevent /cure acne
- Gout
- Menopause
- Pregnancy

Rinse and repeat this formula with any broader topic and you'll likely find a handful of desperate markets.

Relationships - General/Broad Market

Segments include:
* Get your ex back
* Avoid Divorce/ Repair Marriage
* Improve Sex Life
* Pick Up Women / Men

These are desperate markets that consist of highly motivated prospects who are anxiously looking for a solution or answer to their problem.

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