Friday, April 26, 2013

3 Categories of Food Items For Acne and Diet

Proper education about the connection between acne and diet will change the life of someone struggling with acne and pimple breakouts. There are a lot of rumors and wives tales about what you should and should not eat but what does science and research say?

I mention this article as the new truth about acne because a lot of the information online that I have studied is a couple years old. Research on skin care is being done constantly so there may be information here that you have not heard of before.

First, we have foods that are scientifically proven to cause acne and at this point the only foods proven to induce acne are dairy products. Dairy products include milk, cheese, sour cream, ice cream and process foods that contain dairy products. Dairy food items induce pimples due to the hormones they. This milk was intended for a baby cow to grow up fast. These hormones cause a lot of people to get pimples. Eliminating dairy from the diet would improve most people's acne.

Next we have foods that are suspect but reports are inconclusive. These foods include those high in simple sugars and grease:

- Cakes
- Cookies
- French fries
- Potato chips
- Onion rings
- More...

Last, we have foods items that are thought to be beneficial for skin improvement. These foods items include:

Carrot Juice - Drink 3 cups per day. Thought that the Vitamin A is good for the skin

Cucumbers - Drink 4-5 8oz. cups daily for seven days. Cleans the circulatory and lymphatic systems.

Molasses - Take 2 teaspoons with some Sulphur each day. Blood cleanser.

Fiber - A high fiber diet in addition to an appropriate amount of water being consumed each day will shorten transit time. This will prevent food from getting old in the colon and transferring toxins to the blood stream.

Teas - There are a number of teas that people say they work for them. They are:

- Aloe
- Burdock
- Calendula
- Chickweed
- Dandelion
- Red clover
- White oak bark
- Yellow dock
- Cayenne
- Echinacea
- Ginseng
- Sarsaparilla
- Valerian

There is a group of people that think a pure diet and one that will aid in the purification or detoxification of the body will help prevent acne. A diet like this would consist of whole grains, fruits, vegetables, seeds, nuts and beans. This is a diet that will be high in fiber, antioxidants and will be free of preservatives, hormones and other food additives that some think would build up toxins in your body that cause acne outbreaks.

My personal experience is that I am a vegetarian and I never have a significant flare up anymore. This came with eliminating dairy, for the most part, from my diet. Those times that I have a breakout it can almost always be linked to a time when I ate an excessive amount of sugar or fat. I have also noticed that I may get a pimple if I have not slept enough or am experiencing prolonged stress.

To conclude we have seen that acne and diet do have a relationship. Foods can be categorized in a relationship to acne as definitely causing it, being thought to cause it, and preventing acne. I want to encourage you to really consider eliminating dairy from your diet.

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