Sunday, April 19, 2015

Affiliate Marketing Tips What Is Effective Sales Copy

As with all successful selling, affiliate marketing needs to be supported by effective sales copy. This means that you need to clearly spell out the benefits of a product or service so that your prospects can feel encouraged to buy it.

Humans are subjected to masses of marketing material on a daily basis, so you have a very short time to make an impact. It's actually just a couple of short seconds. Any advertising that you do will need to be straight to the point, and don't expect your prospect to do any thinking for himself.

So what information do you need to provide to make the sales copy effective?

Prospects ask themselves four main questions when they look at any advertising copy: - What is it? - How much is it? - Why is it good? - How will it benefit me?

Before you begin writing your sales copy, you will need to take a good look at your product. Take a step back and analyse it. Your ad will need to include the features of your product in addition to the benefits. Remember that features are facts - such as size and colour. The benefits are what the customer will gain from buying the product - ie clean floors from a vacuum cleaner.

The sales page for the product that you are selling should help you with some of the answers, if it's your own product, then you'll need to do some serious analysis. Spend time on forums looking at the questions that consumers ask when it comes to the niche as this will help you to understand more about your target market.

Customers buy on emotion beyond anything else, so your copy should appeal to their emotions. There might be on major benefit to your product that is tied in with emotion that will be the most powerful one. You'll need to use this as the headline for your ad.

My ad copy writing will usually involve me coming up with 20 different headline titles that I write on one day and then come back to revisit the next day. Yes, successful affiliate marketing can be hard work - but that hard work does pay off in the end.

The main body of the copy will contain benefits too. Remember that whatever you write must not deceive your readers. You will lose their trust and they will move on immediately. It's key to be honest and trustworthy in affiliate marketing or in fact any online selling. Stay the present tense, readers react a lot better to this.

Adding quotes to your headline will give it a 28% more chance of being read. It must be humans' streak of nosiness about what people say that helps here.

Remember you need to get the ATTENTION, create INTEREST, create DESIRE and then add a call to ACTION.

If you are finding it difficult to get started, try finding examples of ad copy that you feel works well, now replace the words with words that are in alignment with your products.

Keep your copy simple and easy to read. This means using bullets, short sentences, short paragraphs and simple explanations. The average IQ is only 100 - it's not even 120! If your writing is high-brow - people will leave. Keep your writing simple and easy to read.

Using capital letters at the beginning of each word in headlines has been found to be effective.

My last tip - make your products easy to buy. Offer a variety of payment methods so that there will be one that matches a visitor's unique circumstance.

By using these tips, you will be able to create sales copy that helps you to sell your affiliate marketing products.


Andrew Holtom is an experienced and accomplished online marketer. Andrew enjoys introducing newcomers of how to successfully make money online. Grab yourself a free 94 page guide to starting your own online business here

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