Thursday, October 10, 2013

Depression And Insomnia And Its Treatment

One of the first warning signs of depression is difficulty sleeping - insomnia.

It works the other way too - 9 out of 10 depressed persons are thought to also suffer from insomnia in varying degrees. Whether insomnia or depression comes first is debated.

It is generally accepted that an early warning symptom of depression is insomnia. To further complicate the picture it is known that some anti depression drugs in themselves can be a cause of sleep disorders.

Not sleeping well will naturally make life more difficult, and it seems straight forward to assume it might cause you to become depressed.

To see a doctor about sleeping problems is far easier than seek help for being depressede.

If you want to discuss problems sleeping, including insomnia, with your doctor, chances are that you will also have to discuss the possibility of you being depressed.

The first depression symptons can be seasonal - the person finds it difficult to sleep and feels "blue" during the winter, but when summer comes the problems just disappear.

A craving for carbohydrates is also quite commmon - sometimes leading to putting on weight. This is more common in northern countries with long and dark winters. Young women seem to be more affected.

This is known as "SAD", a very apt acronym, which stands for "Seasonal Affective Disorder". This condition can be effectively treated using artificial daylight.

Simply put, the patient sits in front of strong artificial light resembling daylight.. The light will force the body clock to synchronize with the 24 hour day/night cycle again.

Are there any other natural remedies for depression?

Here are two common remedies: St. John's Wort is an old herbal remedy, and Omega-3 Fatty Acids, mainly found naturally in some fish.

Anti depressant foods are pretty much the same as foods to combat insomnia!

Sleep is important! If you suspect you may be depressed and have trouble sleeping - insomnia or other sleep disorders - try first natural treatments, assuming your problems are not severe.

Then you should see your doctor!

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