Friday, April 19, 2013

Will Going Tankless Save On My Hot Water Bill

There are many new ways to reduce the cost of energy in your home including replacing your old appliances with energy efficient ones that use less energy to operate. Though these appliances come with an initial cost to install they were built using new technology that enables the appliance to run on far less energy and this reduces the pollution of energy emissions and the cost for running them.

There are several appliances in the house that can be replaced to reduce energy costs. Heating and cooling are two of the major utilities that can be reduced with energy efficient units. The other major appliance that runs up the bill on energy in the home is the cost of the water heater.

The water heater provides the water not only for your hot showers and your sink, but it also is responsible for heating the water that goes into your laundry machine and your dishwasher. The laundry machine and the dishwasher can be made to be energy efficient but the savings will double if you also replace your hot water heater with an energy efficient hot water heater.

One of the best ways to reduce energy costs in your home is to replace your existing hot water heater with a tankless hot water heater. Replacing your old one with an energy efficient water heater will be an easy transition as they work in almost the same way. However, one of the major differences between the two is that the old unit heats a large amount of water at a time and the tankless unit quickly heats the water as you use it.

If you tend to take a shower while the dishwasher is running in the morning or while you are doing a load of laundry you do not have to worry about running out of hot water. The hot water is heated as it runs through the heater because it does not have a tank. The water heater will not cease to create a supply of hot water or cut off the water supply until the water is turned off at the appliance.

If you get in the shower you will have hot water until you turn it off. If you are also running the dish washer it will create enough hot water to supply both of the appliances without cutting off the supply of hot water to either the shower or the dishwasher. Plumbing repair and drain cleaning will be much reduced since there is no tank to spring a leak, or drains to clean out.

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