Thursday, April 18, 2013

What Hollywood Blockbusters Taught Me About Selling

Great movies intrigue me and not just because they are entertaining to watch. The best movies can teach you a lot about selling and how to improve your sales results. Here are five sales lessons learned from Hollywood blockbusters.

They capture your attention—FAST. The best movies manage to capture your attention right away. They don't waste time identifying the key characters and the problem or situation. They get right into the plot. I'm constantly amazed how much information can be delivered in a few short scenes. In many cases, a tremendous amount of background is relayed during the opening credits. A variety of approaches are used including; newspaper clippings, images, flashbacks, etc. In other scenes, the character may receive a phone call, stare at a photograph or have a quick flashback. Regardless of the approach, the best movies grab you immediately.

Sales application: When you meet with a prospect or customer, build immediate interest by describing their current situation and identifying the potential pain they might be experiencing.

They cast the right people. Most movies have dozens of characters and actors are carefully considered for each role. Although some actors have the ability to deliver a wide range of roles, you don't see many action heroes sporting a beer belly or someone like Gerard Butler playing a wimpy, needy character.

Sales application: If you sell a complex solution and rely on other people in your company to present and meet with your prospect, you should consider each person's role. Although engineers are highly adept in their chosen area of expertise, very few possess the ability to effectively present the solution. If you need an engineer present, then you should invest time coaching that person to ensure they deliver the best presentation possible.

The characters are memorable. While we love to root for the good guy or underdog, the main character in many blockbuster films is a villain or bad guy. However, there is usually something about them that makes us like that person or empathize with their situation. A few years ago, I studied fiction writing and discovered that the best characters have personal flaws. However, those flaws make the character easier to relate to, and as a result, we remember them.

Sales application: Look for ways to stand out from the crowd and become memorable (in a positive manner). I once attended a conference with several hundred executives. Dress code was stated as business casual so I wore dress pants and a shirt and tie. To my chagrin, I was the ONLY person NOT wearing a suit. I stood out, but not for the reason I intended.

The actors deliver a flawless performance. You can argue that actors have the luxury of retakes but the fact remains that they still rehearse their lines and scenes BEFORE stepping on front of the camera. They know the importance of making sure that their performance is the best that it can be.

Sales application: Make the time to practise your presentations before meeting with a prospect or customer. It sounds like an elementary concept but too many sales people shoot from the hip or wing it and this mistake can be fatal.

The movie is carefully edited. Countless hours of editing are completed before the movie released. The director makes sure that every sequence flows properly into the next. Unlike many sales presentations, they don't wing it and hope for the best. They carefully review every single piece of film and determine what is absolutely necessary. They discard scenes that don't add to the movies plot and story line.

Sales application: Carefully consider what is essential to cover in your presentation. Ask yourself; "What information MUST be included and what information would be nice to have?"

Sales professionals can learn a lot about selling from a Hollywood blockbuster. The next time you watch a great movie think about the sales lessons you can learn from it. Then go out and apply those lessons to your business.

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