Sunday, April 14, 2013

Three Reasons for LEDs in Tent Trailers

Some people have already made the great change to using LEDs in their tent trailer. They find that LEDs draw less power, run cooler, and offer more lighting control than the old-style incandescent lights normally found in tent trailers.

Most tent trailer owners only think about LED lighting briefly and then dismiss the idea or become so busy doing things their usual way they have no time to really try it. Sometimes they are reluctant to try something unknown. Just not understanding the risk-reward ratio holds others back. Other times they never start because they don't know how. And there are always those who don't act because they don't know what the benefits are.

If you get good information, it usually help you to clarify your thoughts. O.K. then, let's get more info. Let's look at 3 factors that have motivated others to convert their lighting to leds in their tent trailer..

First, LED lights draw less power from your trailer battery. One incandescent bulb, if left on all day, can suck half the electricity from a tent trailer battery. You make a valid point when you point out that you do not use your lights that much. But you may use more power from the battery than you thought, and when you really need the lights, the power may not be there. It may have been used up because you tried to stay too long. And what about those kids who keep forgetting to turn the lights OFF.

Second, incandescent bulbs can get so hot they burn things -- LED lighting is safer because it generates less heat. You cannot be burned if you touch LED lights, nor can LEDs start a fire like an incandescent or halogen can. Plus, the heat from LEDs does not attract flying insects to buzz around your face inside the trailer.

Third and last, you can choose the level of light you want for the different light fixtures by choosing different configurations of LEDs. You can also direct where the light shines. Some LED replacements for incandescent bulbs put you in control of where you shine the light.

Again, the reasons for using LEDs in a tent trailer are power, safety, and control!

Think about these reasons and how they apply to your situation. They were strong enough reasons to convince many other prudent RVers to convert from incandescent bulbs to LEDs inside their tent trailer. What about you? Don't you think it is time to consider LEDs too?

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