Wednesday, April 17, 2013

The Benefits of A Clay Face Mask

Some people don't even realize that clay face masks have been used for skin improvement purposes for over thousands of years. In ancient times, people traveled to volcanic sites, sometimes putting themselves at risk, just in the name of finding medicinal clays.

The mask works because it has a "sticky" element to it, but because of its "gooey," liquid-like nature, it is able to penetrate into the cracks, creases and pores in your skin. The "stickiness" grabs onto things like dirt, grime, dead skin cells and oils that cause damage to your skin. Some clay face mask products are thicker, and therefore are intended to dry while on the skin. This will help pull out impurities in pores, cleansing them even more.

An effective clay face mask also acts as a detoxification agent, not only absorbing waste but toxins, heavy metals, free radicals and even pesticides that may have accumulated on your face.

Since your skin is your strongest protection against keeping away sickness and infections, healthy skin provides a huge boost to the immune system.

Of course, many people are aware of the beauty benefits of wearing a clay face mask. The cleansing aspects usually result in cleaner and smaller pores, which will lead to fewer acne problems. Additionally, for those already suffering from severe acne, the soothing effects of a clay face mask typically reduces the redness associated with the skin condition.

However, it is possible to receive the health benefits that come with a clay face mask without actually ever using one. The same compounds and mixed substances found in clay that provide benefits to the skin can also be commonly found in lotions, organic soaps and body powders.

While a majority of the different clay mixtures result in the same things, there are several noticeable differences between some of the major clay color types:

Bentonite Clay – This clay is actually edible and comes from naturally occurring volcanic ash. With nearly a hundred different minerals, Bentonite is considered the most powerful and effective clay when it comes to skin repair and overall health.

As an internal healer, Betonite is known for treating mineral deficiencies, stomach ulcers, diarrhea, hemorrhoids, and colon cleansing.

French Green Clay – Sometimes referred to as "Sea Clay," this clay is so absorbent that it quite literally sucks-up oils and toxins from the skin cells. Additionally, French Green Clay is used for repairing damaged skin cells, as it stimulates the body in such a way to bring fresh blood to a dry area.

Rhassoul Clay – This clay has been used as a skin conditioner and hair product since the times of ancient Egypt. It's proven to pay tremendous dividends for skin elasticity, skin clarity, and skin flakiness, for both the face and the scalp.

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