Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Kosher Supplements And Other Natural Care Tips For Helping Someone With Shingles

In what would turn out to be one of the crazier, but most important summers of my life, my father-in-law developed shingles, just as my husband and I were about to move in with him. A big-hearted, brilliant, eccentric, and--we knew--not particularly healthy man of seventy five, the move had been his idea, ostensibly to help us save money for a year, and, he admitted, for a little company in the big, empty house my husband grew up in. "This place could use a woman's touch," he said. That was true. His wife, my husband's mother, had passed away some twenty years before, and he treated every room of the house like an office, papers stacked on the dining room table,

We agreed to move in with him for those reasons, and also because we had the feeling it wouldn't be long before he might need more care than he was able to provide for himself.

That was before the shingles. When the doctor told us about shingles, we needed more than a feeling. We needed information, and a plan. Our whole family keeps kosher, and my husband and I are natural health nuts, so it was important to us that we incorporated natural remedies and kosher supplements into his care, in addition to any medicine the doctor prescribed.

Shingles is mysterious. If you found this article, chances are you know what you're looking for, but here's a quick primer. Shingles is the chickenpox virus reactivated. It can cause a terrible rash, general pain and discomfort, and it stays as long or short awhile as it pleases. It's not contagious, unless the people you come into contact with never had chicken pox. My husband and I had both had chicken pox when we were kids.

Shingles is something doctors describe as a "pain emergency." Most of the care for people with shingles is pain management, but boosting the immune system and easing stress are important, too. We thought it might be beneficial to share some of the things that helped us help him.

To ease the pain, there were some things he managed for himself, that should be recommended to shingles sufferers: while the rash persisted, lukewarm baths, cool compresses and loose, light clothing were helpful.

The doctor prescribed an oral antiviral medication immediately upon diagnosis, which he said would significantly reduce the time of pain my father-in-law suffered the rash and also the pain after the rash disappeared. I don't have anything to compare the experience to, but what I can say is it lasted long enough as it was, and we were grateful it wasn't any longer. One of those things you just have to trust medicine to know better than you do--not the easiest task for any of us.

We added these kosher supplements to his daily pill box: Vitamin A - to promote healing, Vitamin B12 - to prevent nerve damage, Vitamin C - to battle the virus, boost the immune system, and help with the pain. Topically: Vitamin E - to help soothe and heal the blisters

We took brief daily walks through the garden around noon every day for Vitamin D and fresh air.

We tried to keep his spirits up and his stress levels down by being sincere, friendly and loving in the home. This was medicine for all of us!

Fortunately, my father-in-law's shingles and the subsequent pain eased tremendously within a few months, until he was back to his old self--maybe even a little healthier than he was before the "pain emergency." My husband and I had started taking kosher supplements with him, to keep our immune systems strong--and we continue to take them to this day. The general attention to care and health during that time helped us all build some better habits, and a strong family bond I am still so thankful for. If your loved one is suffering from shingles, I wish you all the best!

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