Sunday, April 21, 2013

It Doesn't take a Russian Spy to Discover the Hidden Messages in Antique Rugs

The Russian spies discovered in America recently had been recognized as using numerous methods for hiding info, but the meanings in antique rugs are frequently readily obtainable. The spies had been trained to utilize stenography, or the skill of hiding messages, with digital pictures.

Anybody who has studied Tale of Two Cities remembers Madame Defarge who knit the names of individuals she marked for death into her knitting. She utilized a basic pattern of knits and purls which translate into ones and zero's which anybody having a PC or Morse code background will tell is the building block of any alphabet if the key is recognized. Neal Stephenson utilized the same technique with regard to cross stitch in his Baroque Cycle. The time and patience to produce such a record should be considerable, but when it comes to gaining and concealing info, spies lives do depend on it. Antique carpet makers can tell how that patience is definitely part of their job description.

Old rugs on the other hand put their messages in a code much more readily understandable. The tradition began although pictorial representations had been much more essential than written language. It was not until the advent of move-able kind that printing was inexpensive enough that the masses could get access to the written word in sufficient quantities that it became practical to educate the average citizen to study or write. Before this time, individuals had been much more able to comprehend pictures than letters.

The cross and fish had been simply recognizable as symbols of Christianity. Boteh's had been connected with Zorastrianism. The Cresent having a star was a symbol of Islam. The Swastika has had a place in Asian cultures since the 6th Millenia BC. It's a symbol of great luck in numerous Asian religions and was only corrupted by Nazi's. Due to that recent, in terms of Antique rugs, change in symbolism it may be discovered still on Old rugs out of India and China. Modern rugs with this symbol would not most likely be exported towards the Western regions.

Individuals are the religious icons too. Anybody can recognize a tree, a rose, a lily or pineapple. Coat of arms can simply be transferred to a Antique Persian rug. Any of individuals symbols placed delicately on a carpet could have told anybody walking into a room where the alliances of the owners stood as merely as an individual these days changes their profile of Facebook.

An individual may wish to imagine that a pattern could somehow be hidden under the piles of the Persian rug, but the rug would most likely be destroyed within the reading. These days it's much simpler to utilize a pc program to hide a message in an additional bit of the graphic and then post the photo to a blog. Antique rugs might once have been the greatest technology for hiding long messages in plain sight, but now they're much more about their color and style.

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