Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Great Article Marketing - 4 Excellent Tips To Get More From Your Articles

There are so many internet tools that you can use in promoting your website and your products online. However, if you are looking for something that will effectively help you drive quality traffic to your website and improve your page ranking at the same time without shelling out a single dime, I would highly recommend article marketing.

This is a simple process of distributing your articles to publishing sites.

Here's how you can breakthrough with article marketing:

1. Power up your titles. In order to succeed in this marketing tool, you need to make sure that you can get online users to open and read your articles through your titles.

How to do that? The answer to this is very simple; just like movie trailers, your titles must be compelling, punchy, descriptive, and attention-grabbing.

2. K.I.S.S. By this, I simply mean keep your articles short and simple. Why? You need to remember that you are serving people who have diverse languages and cultural backgrounds.

Some of them don't even speak English. You'll stand great chances of getting your message across if you use terms that are easy to understand.

You also need to keep your articles short as your audience is known to have a very short attention span. Strive to share your knowledge in 500 words. If these are not enough, I recommend that you create short sequels for your articles.

3. Choose your topics wisely. Your ultimate goal in distributing your articles is to improve your sales and revenue. That can only happen if you are able to attract quality traffic to your website.

You can grab the attention of your prospects by writing about topics that they will find interesting. You may talk about their most common questions, pressing issues, areas of interest, and the things that they would like to achieve.

Avoid writing topics that are not totally relevant to your chosen niche or to the lives of your readers because these cannot surely help you realize your marketing goals instead, they will just waste your precious time and energy.

4. Volume is the key. I am sure you have heard this before but let me tell you once again. Article marketing is a game of numbers.

If you want to stay on top, you need to make sure that you produce more articles compare to your competitors. You can either do the legwork by yourself and spend at least 8 hours writing your articles or hire ghostwriters who can offer you with quality content for reasonable amount.

Follow these 4 tips and your article writing and article marketing will become more profitable.

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