Friday, April 19, 2013

Common Mistakes in Article Writing

If you are considering, article marketing, one of the things that you will want to do is avoid common article marketing mistakes. Although some people believe that article marketing is one of the best-kept secrets of the market, it really is one of the best ways to get new website traffic. However, not understanding the basic principles behind, article marketing will result in an effective marketing campaign going down the drain. Here are some of the common mistakes you should avoid.

Forgetting your target audience

One of the biggest errors that are made by online writers and publishers is forgetting who their target market is. In fact, you should first figure out who the target market is before you write your content. One of the reasons that this is important is that you want to have a clear idea of the topic before writing your article. Remember, in order to write a good article, it should be narrow in focus. The only way to do this is to target your audience. This is a common article marketing mistake that is easy to correct.

Spamming in Desperation

Perhaps one of the most frequently made mistakes of article marketers is resorting to spam. What happens, is they get all of the articles published in a number of categories, on article websites, or newsletters or Ezines. The problem is, that what ultimately winds up happening is the same exact article is in hundreds of places. The biggest issue with this is that you have now put your reputation at stake, and potentially are losing credibility. Remember, once a site discovers that you have placed the same article in multiple categories. Chances are, they will all be eliminated. Chances are pretty good, but you will also be banned from the site.

Inappropriate headlines

While it may be fun to write up an attention grabbing headline, if the headline does not match the content of the article, you are the loser. While you want a headline that will catch the reader's attention, you also want the title to match the content of the article. Why write a good article, and only spoil it putting a meaningless title. And no value. This type of publicity stunt is a common article marketing error and will end up causing your credibility and readers. You do want your headline to grab attention, but you want to ensure that your content matches your headline also.

Forgetting the reader

Another common mistake that article writers and marketers often made, is forgetting about the reader. It is important to remember, that you are not writing for yourself, you are writing for the reader. While it may be tempting to write about things only you care about, it is far more critical to write content that is valuable to your readers. Effective article marketers understand what the audience wants, and knows how to provide.

Typing and Grammatical Errors

You might have just written the best article of your life. However, you failed to notice that you misspelled a number of words, or you have used butchered grammar. Another common problem, is the misuse of words. Simple words, like their, there, then, than any other easily misinterpreted homonyms can create all types of problems. It only takes one minute to run spell check, and it could save you a lot of credibility.


Article marketing can be a very effective tool, if you can avoid these common article marketing mistakes. Your articles can either help your business take off, or it can sink you. If you make these common article marketing mistakes.

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