Sunday, February 3, 2013

The Power of Pushing Towards Trust

Copyright (c) 2010 Dawn McIntyre

Have you ever stopped to think for a few moments about the unbelievably beautiful mysteries of life? For example, the world spins on its axis, balanced perfectly so we experience day and night with perfect clockwork predictability. Our Earth is rotating around the sun so that we have annual seasons and weather patterns. Think also about the intricacies of our human bodies – the simple functionality of our fingers and toes is enough to be amazed when we really ruminate on them! For most of us, our vision and ability to see is a gift to behold when learning about scientific understandings of how our eyes receive information and send signals to our brain for our comprehension of our surroundings.

Do you believe that the same power that wove our world into existence is also intimately involved in the details of your life? Whether you're experiencing a season of joy and blessing or a time of grief and disappointment, the universe is greater than the things confronting you in life right now. In other words, God has a plan is bigger than your problem. One popular song that Christian children sing says, "He's got the whole world in His Hands." Here's even better news – the divine is friendly. Trust me I know the sting of deep pain in life, but I still believe that the universe is good. And you can too.

When your world is bearing down heavily on your shoulders, take a moment to step back and engage in an internal conversation with yourself about what you believe. Ask yourself, "Hey, self? I know that you've experienced a great loss, and it feels like no good could ever possibly come out of this situation, but is that really true?" If you are really honest with yourself, you're likely to answer with, "I know that in my past low points, I have grown and strengthened as a result. Despite tragedy and turbulence in my life, I believe that I can probably trust that the universe is good." Believe me, precious soul, the same higher power that spins the world perfectly on its axis can also manage to create beautiful byproducts of your challenging situation. Focus your attention on the amazing beauty around you – friends, family, flowering nature, stars in the sky – and perhaps your wall of pain will begin to crumble.

My hope for you is that as you talk with yourself internally, you might experience a true breakthrough. You could have an "ah hah!" moment and find clear discernment through the veil of pain that you are experiencing and come to the truth that the universe, God, the divine, really is in control. Down the road, you might be blessed enough to notice the positive outcomes from your challenging experience. I believe that our darkest periods of life have more potential for shaping our character, building our strength and re-orienting our priorities and values than any straight and easy road to our future.

Pain brings positive change if you allow it to. But how you respond is your choice. You can choose to become lost in sorrow and suffering, or you could embrace deep and satisfying trust a higher power with circumstances that are out of your control. As a reward, your surrender of control will reap powerful benefits in your heart including a quieted mind, rested heart and fulfilled spirit that is overflowing with true peace.

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