Saturday, February 2, 2013

Permanent Weight Loss Tips - Discover the Secret the Diet Companies are Hiding

There are many weight loss and diet systems out there and it is big business! And when you see the huge amount of adverts and commercials we are constantly being blasted with you would naturally assume that their goal is to teach us about losing weight. But unfortunately, the truth is that all they are interested in is making themselves lots of money!

Something that these big companies won't tell you is that the chances of anyone losing weight by using one of their diet products and actually being able to keep the weight off is slim to none! Take a moment here to consider this - when was the last time you saw a "success story" client of one of these slimming businesses five or ten years after they had actually began the diet?

Using a diet plan for losing weight is very achievable, but that is not where the problem lies. The one thing that none of these systems seems to want to share is - how to keep the weight off! There are ways to keep the weight off and to stop you going back to how you were but these huge weight loss businesses don't want you to know about them. If the truth were told, they will want to keep this information from you whatever it takes. The plain and simple truth is that if we all knew the secrets to keeping the weight off – they would go out of business!

Let's put some of this into perspective by firstly exploding a commonly misunderstood idea.

You don't get fat because you don't do any exercise. We might all believe this, but in truth it just simply is not true. The reason we gain weight, the reason we get fat is because we eat too much of the wrong food at the wrong times throughout the day. It wont matter how much you exercise or starve yourself in-between meals, eating the wrong food at the wrong times will quite simply store up all the calories you consume as fat.

Have you ever wondered why some people can just shovel the calories in and never seem to put any weight on and you only eat half of what they do and you pile the weight on? It's all down to individual metabolisms. Metabolic rates are different in everyone. Let me explain this a little more.

If you lower your calorie intake, your metabolism answers to this by re-setting itself to burn off smaller amounts of calories through out the day. Say for instance that you decide to cut your calorie intake from 4500 calories per day down to 3000 calories per day. By doing this, your metabolism will automatically make allowances for this and re-adjust to burn up just the 3000 calories each day. This is why a low calorie diet, in essence, is quite useless and why your diets usually fail over time. This also explains how some of your friends can eat what they want and stay the same size and you only have to look at piece of cake and the fat sneaks on!

But have no fear, you are not stuck with a lifetime of diet failures ahead of you. There is a new weight loss system that has been developed to not only educate you about simple weight loss, but it also reveals secret techniques for keeping the weight off permanently! The solutions to these dieting problems and more importantly - permanent weight loss are so simple once you understand the basics facts, that anyone can use them.

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