Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Motivational Speakers Help Businesses Boost Sales Numbers

Smart, funny people who are capable of "keeping 'em laughin'," even while delivering tough news or educational messages, are also known as corporate comedians or motivational speakers. These entertainers have the know-how to teach sales techniques effectively with a delivery method that keeps an audience listening, engaged and absorbing everything being said - almost subliminally.

Every business relies on some form of sales or promotions to survive. Those businesses that have teams, whether in-house or on the road, whether B2B (business-to-business) or B2C (business-to-consumer), must keep their people on top of their game. Even internet-based businesses must rely on promotions and advertising to succeed and profit.

Savvy business owners or managers with active sales teams know that regardless of the economy, every sales person or team will hit a rut periodically. Numbers will drop, calls will fail to result in closed sales, and too often the competition will beat your team to new prospects, or get to your client just before a contract is ready for renewal.

Successful businesses hold periodic meetings and will talk business, trends, and of course, recognize the big producers. Regardless of prior production levels, this is always a great opportunity to hold classes to ensure your team is up on all the latest techniques.

Anyone who makes a living by selling has heard it all before, or so they think. The truth is that there are new techniques being introduced periodically, and successful sales people will often be able to offer success tips that might never have been covered in prior training. When a new technique or tip is offered in the form of a joke or game, it is remembered longer, and used more effectively.

The most effective speakers are those who have been in sales themselves. If they are successful, this is a good indication that they understand this world very well. Corporate entertainers are usually experts at motivation, replacing negative attitudes with positive ones, creating enthusiasm, and offering advice and proven techniques. The truth is that anyone in a slump is anxious for new techniques or tips to get some good momentum going.

According to studies that have been conducted, sales talks and training sessions that include entertaining motivational speakers have teams leaving these sessions highly motivated. They are ready to try new techniques and almost chafing at the bit to take on the next customer. Regardless of the state of the economy, corporate entertainers end up being money well spent for businesses.

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