Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Many Chiropractors Becoming Certified in Acupuncture - Offering Additional Drug Free Pain Treatment

Constant nagging back pain is becoming an increasingly common ailment as more workers find themselves in jobs that require them to sit 8-10 hours per day in front of a computer. To add insult to injury, many employers offer their staff less than adequate desks and chairs that are not made to offer good ergonomic back support. And, many of those same employees will go home to spend more time in front of a computer with equally poor working conditions.

Chiropractors have long been recognized as the physicians to turn to when back pain becomes chronic or debilitating. Another treatment method that is quickly gaining in popularity in the Western world is acupuncture. It has been a natural progression for chiropractors to also become certified in acupuncture in order to offer additional methods of drug free pain relief for an ever increasing array of illnesses.

Acupuncture has been slow to gain an enthusiastic following in the Western world. It is suspected that this is largely due to the very common basic fear of needles so prevalent among the population. However, the treatment uses very fine needles that most people barely feel when they are inserted. Each needle is strategically placed on the body to stimulate endorphins, the body's natural pain killers.

While stimulating the flow of endorphins, acupuncture is also believed to balance the body's energy flow, "Chi" to bring about an overall better state of health for the patient. In fact, some patients will have acupuncture treatments even when not in pain, just to keep the Chi flowing correctly through the body.

The offering of acupuncture has significantly broadened the services that chiropractors are able to offer patients. While massage and spinal alignment, the traditional treatments offered by chiropractors, will solve many physical problems, acupuncture can treat many more illnesses and issues. The list of medical problems that have been successfully treated is almost endless, but includes smoking cessation, anxiety, asthma, depression, weight loss, sinusitis, depression, insomnia, high blood pressure, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, high blood pressure, and even fertility issues.

The traditional Oriental form of medicine, which includes acupuncture, differs significantly from Western medicine, in that it treats the person first, and the illness second. This is because practitioners view your symptoms or illness as a 'branch' expression of an underlying or 'root' imbalance. Both the branch expression and root imbalance must be treated to cure the disease.

Acupuncture has been found to be equally effective in treating specific issues that affect men or women. Pediatric treatments are also on the rise, and of course, as mentioned above, it is highly regarded for its preventative health benefits. Seasonal attunements, treatments at the beginning of each season, will keep the Chi flowing correctly in your body.

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