Sunday, February 3, 2013

Law Of Attraction And Manifestation: Why The I Am Rich Affirmation Will Make It Worse

For those of you who are wondering, what exactly are affirmations? They are really nothing more than positive statements that you repeat to yourself everyday. A lot of people use it everyday, some to start and end their day, or to get what they want.

But for many people, affirmations create nothing more than unfulfilled desires and unnecessary stress. Why? Because they use affirmations that feel so way out of their reach. Try this on for size: "I am rich."

Did something inside you just scream "Yeah, right!"? Or do your palms feel sweaty or is your heart pounding heavily?.... If you've ever been convinced to try affirmations, but nothing happened, don't worry. Millions of other people have tried them too. Some ended up worse than they did before. Why?

Because if you keep on repeating affirmations that do NOT feel TRUE to you, you'll end up feeling bad, and this, in turn attracts more negativity in your life.

Manifestation Law of Attraction: How To Make Affirmations Work

In order to really make affirmations work, you need to work with affirmations that feel true to you. (Do this at least in the beginning.) General affirmations like "Everyday in every way I'm getting better and better" work best for this. Try it. You will see that it feels good, because your body and mind isn't offering any resistance to the statement.

So, when is the best time to do your affirmations? Do your affirmations immediately after waking up and just before going to bed. This is because the mind is in a very relaxed state during those times. When you're repeating the affirmation, try to feel as if it were already true.

Remember, if you're new to this manifestation and law of attraction thing, do NOT start with specific affirmations, because you'll be running against years and years of negative programming that's hard to get away from.

Here are some tips to make affirmations work even better:

1. Meditate before affirmations

When you meditate, a lot of the stress goes away, making your mind and body more relaxed. This makes it more likely for the subconscious mind to accept your affirmations as truth.

2. Bombard your senses

Look for evidence of what you're asking. If you want to be rich, bombard your senses with evidence of wealth. This could be anything from watching Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous on TV, or browsing through magazines. Do this throughout the day.

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