Sunday, February 3, 2013

Facts About Hay Fever--7 Answers That Will Help

Hay fever is triggered by airborne weed pollen--mainly ragweed. This type of allergy causes millions of people to miss work and school each year. Knowing the answers to the following 7 questions will improve your quality of life despite fall allergy season.

1. What is hay fever? This is a type of airborne allergy triggered weed pollen. Ragweed is the major culprit for most people. Some other weeds that cause problems are pigweed, curly dock, and sheep sorrel.

2. When does hay fever season occur? Weeds, and specifically ragweed, generally start pollination mid to late August and continue on until the first frost, which depending on climate can happen at the end of October or early November.

3. How can you tell hay fever from a cold? While symptoms are sometimes similar to that of a cold--runny nose, congestion, sneezing, watery eyes, and congestion--cold symptoms usually disappear after 5 to 7 days. Unfortunately, these allergic symptoms continue on as long as the offending allergen is present in the air, and can cause weeks of misery. The good news is that once the pollen that causes the reaction is no longer present in the air, the symptoms disappear as well.

4. How does allergic rhinitis relate? This term refers to the combination of symptoms that result when the body is exposed to irritants to which it is sensitive. The body's response to the allergens with watery eyes, itchy and runny nose, congestion, sneezing and other attempts to get rid of the triggers (in this case weed pollen) are referred to as allergic rhinitis. So allergies, symptoms present as allergic rhinitis.

5. Can relocating to another city help? There are some cities that have been dubbed allergy capitals, but it is estimated that each ragweed plant can send as many as a billion spores into the air during an average season, and grows in virtually every part of the U. S. The bad news is these grains of pollen can remain airborne for hundreds of miles because they are so light. Moving will not necessarily cure the problem.

6. What is the best plan of action to decrease symptoms? Check your local pollen count daily, and plan outdoor activities in the morning and late afternoons when the count is low. Minimize outdoor exposure by keeping doors and windows closed in your home, office, and car. Brushing your hair, and changing and immediately washing clothes after you have been outside reduces the pollen inside your home. Investigate over-the-counter medications that offer relief. If the symptoms are severe, seek the help of an allergist.

7. Can an air purifier really make a difference? Yes, a high efficiency particle arresting (or HEPA) purifier can remove invisible airborne pollen and other triggers 24 hours a day and lessen the disruption that hay fever will cause in your life.

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