Friday, February 1, 2013

Eggplant Extract May Help Your Body To Recruit Stem Cells

In the past ten years, several serious scientific research projects have uncovered the power of adult stem cells as being able to transform themselves into any type of body tissue. Once growth and maturation is completed, embryonic cells change into adult stem cells and begin a lifelong hibernation in the bone marrow of the body. The majority of are never utilized by the body until a health problem or major trauma awaken them from their sleeping condition and induce them to mobilize to protect against disease or repair bodily damage. Until then, they merely are completely new undifferentiated cells that have got the capability to move to the location in your body that requires repair or regeneration. There, they are able to distinguish themselves into cell forms required by the tissues or organ.

What if you could recruit and mobilize your own stem cells at will? Could you repair, regenerate and rejuvenate your body? Could they turn into the new fountain of youth? If you repaired the wear and tear done to your body on a daily basis, would you actually stay more youthful for a longer time? Science now suggests it may perhaps be doable!

Most hype about this issue has been around stem cell therapy. But are you aware that there are in fact nutritional supplements that could help your body recruit these undifferentiated cells from your bone marrow?

Amazingly, one of them is nicotine, found in the tobacco plant. Despite the fact that nicotine is typically recognized as the addictive and harmful compound in cigarettes, it can be quite therapeutic in low doses. Should you then begin smoking? No way! First, the health risks definitely dwarf the benefits. Secondly, the level of nicotine required for the therapeutic dosage is completely different than what you receive by smoking. But the truth is, there are other sorts of plants which are able to deliver this incredible alkaloid.

The vegetables grown by the "nightshade" plant family include plant alkaloids that are comparable to tobacco nicotine that have an ability to help you recruit and make use of your own stem cells too. They include potatoes, tomatoes, eggplant, sweet peppers, and petunias. The bad news is that you might have to eat literally pounds and pounds of eggplant, or dozens of eggplant parmesan dinners each and every day, to acquire a sufficient amount of plant alkaloids necessary for stem cell recruitment. But, the good news is that there are eggplant supplements that give you the necessary dosage, without the need to stuff yourself!

Eggplant extract is not a very widely used supplement. Actually, most health food stores do not carry it. On the other hand, it has been included in a few body building supplements thanks to its capacity to recruit stem cells and mobilize them for muscle-mass development. Eggplant extract is also available in certain mental energy boosters and in some natural sleep aids. Since your body regenerates and rejuvenates itself during sleep, it could just do so more efficiently with the support of your own stem cells!

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