Thursday, January 31, 2013

Wrinkles and Dry Skin Conditions Can Be Postponed

If you want to maintain healthy skin, you must be concerned with cleanliness. We are constantly creating problems for our skin, and quite often do not even know how we are doing it.

Do you realize how many times during the day that you touch your face with your hands? This would not be a big problem if our hands were clean all day long, but how many times during an average day do you wash your hands?

Think about the number of things that people touch from the beginning of the day until the end. If you leave your house to go to a job, you touch doors, your car steering wheel, money, food, and numerous other things. There are items in your workplace that are not cleaned very often.

Throughout our every day, we are picking up germs, and every time we touch our faces, we are transferring the germs where they get into the pores of our skin, causing irritation and other skin problems. If you are one of those people who have sensitive skin, then you already know that harsh face cleaners can also cause problems.

Our skin is an important part of our body, and it should be handled with care, like any other part of our body. As a person ages, one of the first parts of the body to be noticed as aging is the skin. Wrinkles and dry skin is inevitable, but there are ways to postpone them.

People who do not protect their skin, especially their face, seem to age way to soon. Do you know that wrinkles can be reduced simply by patting your skin to dry it, rather than by rubbing it dry with a towel?

Do you find that one side of your is getting breakouts, and the other is not? Is there something in your daily routine that could be the cause? Do you rest your face on one hand or the other? Do you talk on the phone the same way all the time? Do you ever clean your phone?

One good thing about your aging skin, is that there are many new products that can help your skin. You may need to try several to find the ones that work for your skin type.

As people age, there skin lacks elasticity, and it burns easier when out in the sunlight, causing more facial lines around the mouth and eyes. The drier skin loses its color and becomes blotchy, and also there are more unsightly capillaries.

You certainly do not want to be paranoid in the way you live, but a few common sense rules can prevent a lot of unnecessary skin problems.

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