Thursday, January 24, 2013

Stress Relief Techniques - You May Be Affected By Stress, Without Even Knowing It

Our bodies are extremely complex machines. Fortunately, most of us suffer only occasional illness or medical conditions. But there is an ever - increasing range of health issues, which on the surface could be explained away as a biological reaction of some kind. However, the truth is that health problems can be caused by stress-related conditions. This article looks at health issues that can be attributed to stress, and some natural stress relief techniques that can be considered to combat the problems.

Causes of stress are fairly easy to understand. Work pressures, family and relationship issues, financial worries - all of these are common factors that can lead to stress, anxiety or depression. What is sometimes not considered is that, whilst we may seemingly be coping with such pressures, stress may be causing other problems we may not have attributed to it.

Physical symptoms of stress are caused by what is referred to as our body's "fight or flight" response. In a stressful situation our body can take the "fight" option - such as adopting an angry or argumentative stance. Alternatively, electing the "flight" choice could result in behavior such as social withdrawal, or even drug/alcohol abuse. Generally, males would take the "fight" approach and females the latter, but not exclusively.

In the short-term, these responses may not cause significant problems, but prolonged "fight or flight" reactions can be at the root of many of today's common behavioral problems including: -

* Obesity or comfort eating

* Loss of appetite

* Increased or excessive consumption of alcohol

* Drug abuse

* Inability to make decisions

* Lack of concentration

* Feeling that you can't cope with anything

Stress can also be behind some of the leading causes of death, such as heart disease, cancer, and liver problems.

When suffering from one or more of these conditions, it makes sense to take steps to reduce stress levels. Of course, quick fixes, in the form of medication, can be sought, but while this may deal with the symptoms it will not strike at the root cause of the stress. More commonly, natural stress relief techniques are being sought. Once these may have been commonly called "alternative" remedies, but I don't think the term fits as much these days. If the sufferer can use a natural technique, they may find much more satisfaction in their recovery, as well as discover inner willpower and self-belief they may not have known they possessed.

Natural stress relief techniques include: -

* Mind Body Relaxation - this is a combination of image psychology and audio bio-feedback. In other words, the soundtrack is split into two parts, where the practitioner will narrate imagery, followed by music and audio elements - both of these parts enhance your mind's ability to enter a deep state of relaxation

* Yoga Meditation - a powerful combination of yoga and meditation techniques designed to help one easily reach a relaxed meditative state and apply natural stress relief methods and strategies

* Self Healing Meditation - learn to enter a deep state of meditation, and apply positive thinking and self-belief techniques to manage stress and improve overall health.

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