Sunday, January 20, 2013

Sales and Promotion Partners for Success

There are several elements that contribute to the success of a money making website, and while sales are definitely the end result, they are not the only contributing factor. In order to generate sales you must be able to get the information to your target audience. If no one knows about your website and what you are offering you will not generate any sales volume. With that in mind it is reasonable to assume promoting your website is a prerequisite to generating sales. However, neither element can stand alone: you need to promote your website to generate sales volume.

Do not have the mistaken idea that once you do the initial promotion and begin to generate some sales volume you can stop—or at least reduce the amount of promoting you do. Unless you have a consumable product such as food items, batteries or other products that have limited lives, you will always need to have a database of customers to replace those who have what they need. Even if you provide consumable products there is always the potential for losing customers for any number of reasons such as:

- They have found a more competitive price

- They no longer need the products or services you have for sale

- They no longer wish to buy online for any number of reasons

- They have moved and may not be able to choose the products they buy (nursing home, living with relatives, renting a room, etc.)

In order to continue increasing or maintaining your sales volume you need to continue promoting your website. While your initial promotional efforts will bring in some customers, you need to continually increase the visitors to your website in order to achieve and maintain a profitable money making website. While it may appear you will eventually exhaust your database of potential customers from your target audience, such is not the case. There are always new web surfers, so you will always find have enough people in your target audience to make your marketing efforts worthwhile.

If you want your website to be extremely profitable you will need to continue your marketing efforts throughout the life of your website. The more visitors you add to your database of potential customers, the better your chances are of increasing your sales volume and thus reaching the financial goals you have set for yourself. The money is in the list!

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