Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Metabolic Typing - Explained

Sometimes you might wake up in the morning and really question what it is all about. You might have mood swings, which you cannot explain. You might have tried every single nutritional supplement that is available, messed around with all of those diets that are supposedly recommended for your type, but still end up feeling dejected and frustrated. Sometimes you feel as if you should be given an award for trying to do the best for yourself, your spirit, your body and your mind. The problem is that there are conflicting messages all around us, trying to tell us how to look after ourselves. Advertising is prevalent throughout our society and we cannot get away from it and the food industry is very good at what they do, by trying to convince us how particular types of food are so tasty that we cannot avoid them. These supplements and dietary industries are well aware of our love affair with food and they believe that they are expert at telling us how to fix the problems that we ! have made. You may think that you are in no man's land nutritionally, have tried all those weight-loss programs, but feel as if you just have to put up with the way that you feel right now. You are risking your health, in truth, by sticking to those old ways of eating, leading to emotional dissatisfaction and keeping you back from achieving your true potential.

Consider for a moment how crazy some of these messages are. The makers of a particular nutritional supplement tell you that by using a particular supplement you will feel a lot better, the same message they are sending to millions of other people in their marketing district. Consider how different we are from one another, how can it be possible for one single supplement to be the perfect "cure-all," for all of us? Have you ever noticed how a certain diet may have worked for your friend, but develops the opposite effects when you attempt to try it? You may end up feeling worse, may gain weight and feel lethargic and depressed.

You will receive all kinds of conflicting advice, but should always remember that what works for one guy is not necessarily a fix for another. There is no such thing as a single diet for everyone and no magic bullet for your health and nutritional well-being. We all have different genetic code, an individual DNA and each one of us has a unique fingerprint. How can it be that one product can work perfectly for us all, in this case, yet they are massmarketed in just this fashion. Set up your nutritional plan according to your metabolism -- this is called metabolic typing. A nutritional program like this would be customized for you and you alone and would be a great and permanent nutritional fix, as you get on the path to perfect health and an improved life. This will show you how your body deals with the foods that you give it and how you need to get to a perfectly balanced place.

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