Sunday, January 20, 2013

Keeping Your Dog Entertained While You Are Away

Typically, we will be able to find our dog by our side at any given time whenever we are at home. Many of us are not able to be home on a continual basis, however, and we may find that we are leaving our dog for many hours at a time. This is true, regardless of whether we are going to be going to work on a daily basis or if we have to be out of the area for other reasons. It is important to make sure that your dog is well looked after while you are gone, and there are some ways for you to be able to do so successfully.

The first thing that I would like to say is the fact that if you plan on being away for many hours, it is important to make sure that your dog has the ability to be able to relieve itself. If necessary, have a trusted neighbor or perhaps pay a service that will come and let your dog out throughout the day in order to be able to take care of this essential need. You would also want to make sure that they would have a little bit of room to stretch, especially if they are crate trained. Yes, they may be comfortable in the crate but not for 10 to 12 hours out of the day.

That being said, there are some things that you can do for the average dog which will help them to stay a little bit interested during the day. One of the main things that you can do in this regard is to make sure that they have space available in various areas of the home. Begin hiding treats throughout the home, and your dog will continually be looking for them. Make sure that you look for them whenever you get home, however, as you would not want them to spoil or perhaps draw insects. More than likely, your dog will get used to the game and will keep searching until it finds all of them.

Another thing that may help your dog if you are away for a few hours is to either leave the TV or a radio on. This extra noise acts as a distraction and can help them to feel as if somebody is there. Although it is not an exact substitute for having you by their side, it is a kindness that you can show to them.

One other thing that you can do is to provide your dog plenty of toys that they can play with throughout the day. It is important, however, that you choose toys which are safe for your dog whenever you are not around. For example, Kong toys are some of the most popular and they are practically indestructible. You can also fill a Kong toy full of treats, which will basically be killing two birds with one stone. Your dog will enjoy the play time, and it will enjoy the treats as well.

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