Monday, October 22, 2012

Tips for Women Who Want to Learn Martial Arts & Self Defense

There are many products, videos, and classes out there marketed to women to help them learn martial arts and other self defense programs. In addition to using common sense on a daily basis to decrease your chances of becoming a target, it's important to understand that dangerous scenarios can happen. The best way to manage a bad situation is to be prepared. Here are a few things that will help you be safe all the time.

Spotting and Avoiding Danger

It doesn't matter where you go, there are risks for women in every situation - at home, the grocery store parking lot, college campus, and even at work. It is important to know how to spot and avoid potentially dangerous scenarios.

The following advice can help you keep out of harm's way:

At home, make sure you install good outdoor lighting.

Keep shrubs and bushes trimmed so that they do not grow over windows.

Never hide a key outside you home.

If you don't know who's at the door, don't answer it.

Ask for visitors you don't know to present identification.

When you get in your car, inspect the inside and outside the vehicle first.

Keep plenty of gas in your tank.

Keep your windows up and your car door locked.

Avoid poorly lit areas when walking, especially if you are alone.

Keep your head up and your eyes peeled for any suspicious activity.

Walk tall and confidently.

Make sure jewelry and other valuable are out of sight.

Self Defense Products You Can Use

For women who want to learn martial arts there are several options. Self defense training courses are available through many women's advocacy groups, private gyms and health clubs, and community organizations. Books and DVDs can also offer tips for martial arts self defense training. Other products available include whistles, pepper spray, defensive key chains, personal alarms, and stun guns. These items are most effective when they can be retrieved easily and are close at hand.

Keeping these items on hand can significantly reduce the likelihood that you will be physically harmed in an attack. It's important to remember that laws for carrying self defense weapons vary from state to check. Before you purchase self defense items, you should check to see whether or not they can legally be carried where you live.

Rape Aggression Defense Is Very Important

In addition to learning martial arts, R.A.D. self defense training can help women protect themselves from sexual assault. These short classes are often taught free of charge by local law enforcement agencies as well as at colleges and universities. Rape Aggression Defense classes are probably the quickest and most effective method for learning how to react to a violent attacker. Learning how to respond to personal threats and aggressive attacks is one of the most important things you can do for yourself.

Being prepared means practicing awareness everywhere you go, no matter what you do. Keep these tips in mind, be alert, and stay safe.

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