Wednesday, October 31, 2012

How To Give Your Clients The Red Bow Experience

During the holidays in the US, a few automobile companies will place a "huge" red, silver or white bow on top of their popular model cars. And then they do a close up on the recipient, so that you can see the unbearable joy in their faces. This happens every year during the holidays. If you know advertising, companies do not repeat something unless it "works and sells"! So do you think you could use this concept with your clients? Year round?

Consider how often you connect with your clients in a given week, month or year. Would they be more excited to hear from you if they felt like they were in store for a gift? Creating this "gift" experience will help you to attract, inspire and keep clients coming back for more. So how do you do it? Here are three simple ways to create a "Red Bow" experience that brings unbearable joy to the faces of your clients when they hear from you!

#1 - Create value based "packages"

Give your clients a way to work with you or buy your products, in a way that allows them to choose. Aren"t YOU happier when you can choose from a few options rather than being given only one? Unsure how to "package?" Well, ask your clients what they would like to have in a "packaged" format instead of buying separately. You might find that your least sold item is a hot commodity when packaged with a few bonuses.

#2 - Add a bonus or a special "treat"

What "compatible" item could become a great bonus or treat for your client? This could be something you would normally not sell individually, or it could be someone else's product or service that uniquely complements yours. Let me give you an example. If you're that car dealer with one of those big Red Bows on the car, you could include a cleaning and packaging service as a "treat" from a dry cleaner for keeping the Bow fresh and preserved. You have likely seen this done for wedding dresses. It's a special treat that sets you apart and gives the client that little something extra.

#3 - Give them multi-pay options

If you watch QVC or any of the infomercials, you'll see examples of different kinds of payment options now available to customers. They remove the "sticker shock" by turning the price into smaller bites. Look at how you can make the buying decision that much easier by tying that "Red Bow" with a gentle twist on the wallet or credit card.

Using even one of these three simple ways can create the "Red Bow" experience for your clients. However, there is and always will be, an expectation around what's inside the box or under the Bow that truly matters. The automobile companies get it. They typically place the large "Bow" on the higher end models, so it truly is a gift underneath. Be sure you're creating an "experience?" so that your client is more excited about taking the "Bow" off and getting to your gift inside!

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