When you first start operating a money making website you may be working on a shoe string budget. Just because you have limited funds does not mean you will not be able to effectively market your website. There are many different methods you can use that have little or no cost involved. There is no need to feel you have to spend a lot of money advertising in order to get your business up to speed. While paid advertising certainly has its advantages, you can save those expenses for later when your website is more profitable.
One of the easiest ways to market your website without any effort is including the URL in the signature of your Email. This will allow you to advertise your website every time you send out an Email without worrying about being accused of spamming anyone. The link will show not only when you send out Emails but in any forwarding Emails others may send as long as they include your original Email. While most people don't like unsolicited mail on or offline this method gives them an option—they can go to the link or ignore it.
Link exchange programs are also good ways to promote your website. With this method other website owners add your URL to their websites in exchange for you doing the same for them. In this way you substantially increase the number of people who see your URL and thus increase the chances for additional website visitors. Remember, the more visitors your page has the better the chances are someone will buy something you have for sale.
Free for All (FFA) pages are also free or inexpensive way to promote your website. You have to be careful with these, however; some of them require an Email address which will open the possibility of receiving unwanted advertising. You can also choose to have your own FFA page and allow links to other websites on your page. Depending on the traffic coming to your website, you may or may not wish to take advantage of this promotional method.
Submitting your website to free or inexpensive submission services will help your website gain visibility. However, you also need to make sure it is optimized for SEO (search engine optimization) to assure your site has a high ranking with the search engines. This is necessary so your site appears early in a web search since most people only review a maximum of three pages of search results.
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