Sunday, September 23, 2012

Long Term Care Insurance Marketing

Long term care insurance is a segment of the insurance industry that is quickly growing as the baby boomers begin to reach the age where care is needed. Long term care insurance leads are actually becoming easier to generate than other areas of the insurance industry.

The senior demographic is a very lucrative market growing at an enormously fast rate, producing a market with a huge number of leads just waiting to be picked up. This is occurring because the number of seniors is on the ride and the options as far as assisted living or care facilities have grown significantly.

Today's seniors are far more receptive to the idea that having long term care insurance is a smart investment. While long term care leads are easier to generate it takes longer to close the sales because for the most part seniors aren't in a hurry.

Once you have an established clientele for long term care insurance you will receive lots of leads and referrals from that clientele. You can use some of the more traditional forms of marketing such as direct mail outs, newspaper ads, radio, or television.

With seniors, one lead generating option to consider is the use of seminars. When combined with a newsletter it becomes a powerful lead tool. A newsletter can be used to grab the attention of seniors and get them to act. After all that's the purpose behind your newsletter, is to generate leads. For example, a heading like "8 Common Mistakes to Avoid When Buying Long Term Insurance," can create the kind of action you desire.

You can also use online lead generating tools such as your website, email, or blog to engage seniors and create a call to action. These types of leads do not require a lot of time and can pay off nicely.

You can also buy PPC ads from Google, Yahoo, or MSN. PPC or pay per click is advertising where you bid on specific keywords. The higher your bid the more often your ad will appear on a search. When a person does a search, your ad appears and if the person clicks then you'll pay the amount you bid per click. PPC allows for potential leads that are targeted and that's what makes them so appealing. However, you must be careful because the cost of this type of advertising can add up quickly.

Finally, you can opt to use an online internet lead generating service to provide you with real time leads. This is considered one of the most economical and profitable lead generating options. It works like this:

You sign up with a lead generating service and then you set up your criteria for leads. For example, in this case "long term care" would be your target market. The lead generating service does all the ground work, like PPC ads, link exchanges, and other methods of targeting quality leads.

The leads provided by the lead generating service are real time leads. Of course the definition of real time varies from one company to another so be sure to ask. The best real time leads come through within minutes of the request for information being filled out. Dollar for dollar online leads provided by lead generating services offer the best bang for your buck as long as you do your research and find the best match for your business.

Long term care insurance leads are an important part of an agent's income. While you're existing customers are very important without new blood your business will not grow and prosper. Long term care insurance leads can make that happen.

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