Saturday, September 15, 2012

Domestic Violence Divorce - The Key to Legal-Psychiatric Abuse Prevention

For over a decade, I have been writing about domestic violence divorce and legal-psychiatric abuse to help battered mothers in family court. There's no question in my mind that people who are re-victimized by a perpetrator's use of the system know who they are. They know when this is happening to them.

But, more often than not, they lose sight of the abuse dynamics in play and fail to identify the actual players. Then there are those survivors who know the dynamics and players, but remain completely unaware of how to block legal-psychiatric ploys and prevent the re-victimization of themselves and their children.

Stopping Legal-Psychiatric Abuse

The most important thing you will want to do if you are in divorce court—falling through the cracks of the system—is to understand the concept of "psychiatric accountability." This is your golden shield and primary weapon.

When I coach domestic violence survivors on how to employ psychiatric accountability to serve them and their children, a window opens up. They see themselves out of the ring of fire and empowered with objectivity and their personal rights.

Psychiatric Accountability

What is "psychiatric accountability?" It's a term I coined to refer to holding healthcare providers accountable for their therapeutically minded actions and their blind or intentional transgressions.

Your ability to do this is vital to your preventing yourself and your little ones from becoming legal-psychiatric causalities. To understand how this is done, first identify the decision-makers. These are the healthcare professionals who make the recommendations based on their clinical impressions of you and your family.

Then you will want to confirm the players' credentials, because the way you will deal with licensed providers is different from the way you will want to deal with those without litigate credentials.

Taking Control of Chaos in Divorce Court

Once you have fully embraced the importance of the concept of psychiatric accountability, then you will want to find a coach/consultant to assist you in treading the waters in your plight for legal-psychiatric justice. If you are questioning whether you need to undertake the burden of acquiring this knowledge and securing professional support, consider the following...

If you or your children are being labeled with a psychiatric condition that appears inappropriate, you will want to know about psychiatric accountability. If you are being wrongly accused of parental alienation or some other conduct allegedly identified by healthcare providers, seek to employ psychiatric accountability. And most importantly, if you or you children are being subjected to inappropriate interventions or psychiatric remedies, you must become your own advocate in psychiatric accountability.

Do your homework and build your resource network to help you block legal-psychiatric ploys as you seek safety for yourself and your children. When all is said and done, you will rejoice in the fact that you were informed.

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