As an internet based business owner with a website that needs constant content and the thought of having to write this content on a regular basis fills you with dread then here are some ideas to help you overcome this dilemma.
Everyone who runs and maintains an internet based marketing business knows that a website needs to be fed with fresh articles frequently. Even people who don't have their own websites know this because articles that are filled with useful information are the heart of what internet marketing is all about.
The main reason that the majority of internet users access the web is to search for information. Articles quench the thirst for information and give visitors the knowledge that they are seeking as well as providing other benefits for the website.
Articles help to gain higher ranking for the website and the benefit of this is that it gets listed more prominently on the search engines which is the place that everybody goes when they are looking for information. The point here is that the more prominently your website is displayed on the search engines the greater your chances are of generating more traffic to your site which in the end will result in more sales. Isn't this the whole purpose of having an internet based business?
Another great benefit of writing articles is that it helps to brand you and you will become known as an expert in your field, one that people will want to listen to when they are having a problem or just need some advice. It will also get you more sales when the people who read your articles and learn more about you begin to trust what you say and recommend you to others.
So now that we have established the importance of writing and publishing articles on your website we come to the part about hating to write them.
Many online business owners would far rather spend time doing anything so long as it is not article writing but if you are just starting out or you have limited capital then it is essential that you begin this practice to stay ahead of the game.
If you want to stay out of trouble then it is not a good idea to plagiarize or copy other people's articles as this practice is seriously frowned upon.
So what are your options?
If you hate writing articles and you cannot afford to hire people to write for you then you should think about getting free articles. You can begin doing this by looking in the public domain. There will not be any problems here as far as copyright infringement in concerned or any worries about receiving fines or penalties.
Public domain articles are given freely for any member of the public who wants to use them. You can happily publish these on your website, use them in a newsletter and even add your name to them. Always though be sure to choose articles that are relevant to your business theme.
There is of course a downside to using these articles. The fact that they are free and open to everyone means that they are far from unique and this can be a problem. The best way to overcome this is to edit them a bit and add your own keyword phrases in to them to make them more unique.
Another option would be to invite other internet marketers who are in the same niche as you to submit articles to your website which could boost your content, you will have to allow them to add a resource box though so that they can have a link back to their own sites. Remember that there must be some incentive if you want others to do the work for you.
But if you truly want to benefit and build your internet based business successfully then there is nothing like having original and unique articles on your site. There are many freelance workers who will write articles for you for minimal fees and the benefits you will derive from following this course and having unique content will be worth every penny you spend.
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