Sunday, September 23, 2012

Acai Berry Juice - Dangers of Free Trials

It seems that everyone is jumping on the band wagon to sell acai berry juice or capsules or powder. Over the past few years, the popularity of this little power-packed super berry from the Amazon has skyrocketed. Thanks to modern freeze drying methods, this fragile fruit can now be shipped in a powder form throughout the world. Everywhere you look on the internet and in magazines there are ads, buy Acai from us. But be wary, especially of free trail offers for acai berry juice, capsules, or any other health food for that matter. Here is why:

1. Some are scams. They want your credit card anyway so they can bill you for outrageous shipping and handling charges, which sometimes equal the cost of the product. So, it really isn't free.

2. They will bill your credit card and keep sending you stuff. Even if you try and cancel, your request seems to drag on and in the meantime, they keep sending you stuff you didn't order and charge your card.

3. Their acai product is probably not pure. It is laced with starch, sugar or even saw dust to stretch their supply. You may not be getting 100% pure product, especially if it is in a gel capsule. Better to buy acai berry juice in a powder form so you can mix it yourself.

4. Their acai may not have been freeze dried within 24 hours of picking. The fruit rots very fast and loses a lot of its nutritional value after a day or so. Cheaper, older berries are then sold to third world marketers.

5. The manufacturing may not be sanitary, especially if it comes from China or Indonesia. Child labor forces have probably been used.

6. The acai may not be from the Amazon, but a knock-off plant from China which does not have the same rich nutrients.

7. Theses scams are often money fronts for organized crime and terrorist cells. Make sure when you buy acai, that it is pure, from the Amazon and harvested immediately after picking. Try pure acai berry juice so you are getting all the vitamins, minerals and antioxidants this fruit is so popular for delivering.

Acai really is nature's super food. It is rich in fiber, protein and antioxidants to help boost your immune system, help you lose weight and feel more energetic throughout your day. But if you buy a substandard product, or one with additional fillers, you will be wasting your money. Don't fall for the free trial offers. Instead, look for money back guarantees and sites that secure your credit card information. Find pure acai berry juice, and you won't need your money back. Within 30 days you will see the results.

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