Thursday, August 16, 2012

Your Purpose In Life - How To Find And Fulfil Your Purpose in Life

Do you have a purpose in life? Most of us do not stop to consider this until a crisis strikes and then, we may wonder what the meaning of our lives really is.

When things become meaningless in our lives, it is because we are to seek a deeper meaning for our lives. Everyone is born with a higher purpose in life and to discover it takes some inner searching.

Here are some ways to help you find your purpose in life:

1.What do you love to do that brings you joy? Look at your hobbies and your work. What do you do that you become so engrossed in, because it is exciting and absorbing?

2.What are you good at doing? Ask your family and friends what they see as your skills, characteristics and talents. Write down what you are good at.

Do you like being with people or have an affinity with children or creating beautiful things? Are you task-oriented, do you love to write, communicate or teach?

3.Meditate. Deep within you, you have the answers you are seeking and in order to find them, your mind needs to be clear.

Discovering what your purpose in life is can take as little as ten minutes a day if you sit still and ask. Have patience and keep asking until you receive the answer and then follow through by taking the first step towards it and then you will be shown the next step.

4. Look to your past. When you were little, what were you told off for at school and at home? I remember receiving a report from my needlework teacher which said, "Maria should work more and talk less".

At the time, the teacher thought that my talent for communicating and listening to others was a hindrance in her classroom. Now, I am using that same talent in my work. What did you do as a child? That is your natural ability that you are to use in your purpose.

5.What comes naturally to you that you enjoy doing and would do even if you could not be paid for it? Do you find that people trust you with their problems or do you find yourself frequently teaching others how to do things? You may find that you are a nurturing person who nurses others or that you find yourself conveying interesting facts to others when you socialise?

Your purpose in life will bring you joy and contribute to other peoples' lives in some way. If you are feeling that your life is meaningless right now, it is time to sit still and uncover what you are really here to do.

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