Friday, August 17, 2012

Your Purpose In Life - How Can You Tell What Your Purpose In Life Is

Your purpose in life does not have to be some grand and glorious role in the limelight. It might be being a mother to a gifted child, or a supportive partner. It may be being a road sweeper and keeping the environment clean.

Ultimately, it is not about what you do, rather it is about the qualities you bring to what you do and the lives you touch as a result that are important. Your purpose in life can be fulfilled in many different roles and can either be expressed at work, socially, within the family or in a voluntary position.

If you have come in to use your healing qualities, you may have chosen to express this as a doctor, nurse, mother, teacher, counsellor, massage therapist, hairdresser or even as a banker. What is important is the energy you give to others, not the role that you are in.

You may not even be consciously aware of what you are really doing for people. But, people are receiving healing from interacting with you.

Just a smile from you could mean that a desperate person does not commit suicide on that day. It may be that a few thoughtful words you have said have helped someone feel loved and cared for. You have a very important role on this earth, do not underestimate it.

Some people are born to carry other peoples' burdens in their lives. They have chosen to do this for the greater good of all people even though they may not be consciously aware of it.

Other people may work quietly within their families, clearing negative energy in order to bring more light onto the earth so that more and more people can awaken to their spirituality.

So, if you are experiencing conflicts in the family that end in anger being thrown around. Do not despair. You have probably offered to transform your family's anger and are clearing it through getting it out into the open.

Many people are working in the scientific field to discover new facts that will bring more understanding of our world and our spirituality.

Your purpose in life might be to accumulate wealth and use this money to build schools or hospitals or support people less fortunate than you. You may be working on compassion and brotherhood and helping many people.

You can know your purpose in life, by looking at the qualities you express to others in whatever role you find yourself in.

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