Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Why Use Telemedicine

If you were to use today's electronic devices and communication equipment to help deliver health services instead of doing it in person, you get what is known as Telemedicine. Many states are making it possible to get telemedicine help through insurance policies. Insurance policies are making it possible just in the same way as if you got medical services in person. In fact this method has become so popular that it will only be a matter of time until you will be able to send your vital statistics via your mobile phone any time you get sick.

The devices that are used to make telemedicine possible are remote monitoring pace makers, radiology and EKG equipment. There are various manufacturers making equipment where vital information such as blood pressure, oxygen level sensors and heart rate can be transmitted using cell phone networks. The time is not far away when there will be a mobile phone application for this. If need be all you have to do is hook up some sensors on your body and the information will be broadcast. There will even be an application on the phone that will sense when the person has fallen down. If you do not respond in time, the phone will automatically call for help.

In situations where telemedicine is not enough there will also be walk in diagnostic centers to give patients any additional help if needed. The University of California has invented a type of microscope that is capable of identifying blood platelets and then transmitting the results through a USB connection. In other instances, the diagnostic center will be able to send you home with a EKG device named The "Zio" patch that is capable of monitoring the heart for a week. After wards the results will be remotely transmitted for your doctor to analyze.

Needless to say when you have telemedicine technology at your disposal, the possibilities are virtually endless. One of the biggest benefits of this type of technology is that it will allow doctors to consult with other doctors from around the world, if they have any questions. We are talking about a situation where a stethoscope can be connected to a computer and the sounds can be sent via the internet to a doctor situated on the other side of the globe. If you are somebody who lives in a rural or remote area, then the possibilities are endless. With a press of the button you will be able to consult with the best doctors in any location.

In fact the people who are benefiting the most from this technology are the ones living in rural and remote areas. Of course it cannot be too remote; you still need access to a cell phone tower or broadband internet connectivity. Nowadays with satellite transmission becoming a reality, Telemedicine should be available for everybody.

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