Sunday, August 26, 2012

Why Patience Is So Important

Do you believe that patience is important? I hope you said yes! Patience is the key to success in life. When you are patient you will write out your goals and aspirations. You will plan what you are trying to achieve and by what date. Only when you know exactly where you are going will you get there.

People who jump into decisions without first checking whether it is the right one for them lack patience. They rush about expending valuable energy and wasting time chasing dreams. They make everything so much harder because without a definite plan to follow you are wasting your time.

If you don't believe in planning, you will lack patience. They are in too much of a hurry to get to the "real" work and see results. Unfortunately they don't realize that your entire body and soul will use its energy force to achieve that particular goal when you put a plan in place. Your brain now focuses completely on how you will achieve it as it is no longer wasting time or energy working out what it is you want to achieve. This is the huge difference between those who are busy but don't achieve anything and those who are successful.

How can you spot opportunities when they happen if you don't know your destination. Successful people are lucky, people say. Perhaps the truth is that they make themselves lucky as they know what they want and so recognizes the chances being offered to achieve it. Patience and focus goes hand in hand. Before you can start to reap the rewards, if you are patient you will put in the research and the twelve hour working days. You will head straight to collect rewards as soon as you see a glimmer of success if you lack patience. A business with strong foundations to weather any storm that life throws at it will be built by a successful person. The person who was in a rush with have foundations built in sand and everyone knows how secure they are.

Having all your energy focused on the same goals and aspirations should never be underestimated in terms of the power it generates. In trying to get everything done as quickly as possible, don't waste this precious power. Accuracy is even more important than speed. There is no point in doing a job unless you do it properly and that applies to your personal life as much as to your business life.

All you want from this life can be achieved. A little patience and some perseverance is all it takes.

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