Sunday, August 26, 2012

Why Hire a Vrtual Assistant From India

Copyright (c) 2010 Nick Clipton

India is well known for being an economical alternative to almost anything in terms of business, tourism, medicine, even food. One of the most successful businesses in India today is the online offshore assistance service or offshore virtual assistants.

The reason for the popularity is actually the quality of service which they offer at highly competitive prices. There are other countries in Asia that are also popular: China, Philippines and Korea, but India takes most of the pieces of this pie.

Hiring Indian offshore virtual assistants can be very gratifying as they offer good service and they have a lot of people they can tap who can do quality work. The great quality of Indians that they don't give up for any work and make try till the end. Most of all, they send monthly invoices that consist of the total amount due for the month which are itemized and broken down of what work was performed during the billing period.

The only thing is that these services make the companies commit to a number of hours of work per month, just like regular employees. If your company can only provide enough work for less than the number of hours as contracted, then you will just have to still pay for it, or you lose the service.

The Indian culture brings a plus on their services; they can easily adapt to the methods of the hiring company in terms of project and task management. They are quick and offer accurate communications and have smooth transitions in case one of the VA is leaving or is being requested to be replaced which accelerates the work going smooth.

The cost of hiring an Indian offshore VA assistant is, however, not that much less than what your company might be able to pay an American college student to do the same kind of work. Also, because of the time difference, the evening hours on your company's work schedule side can take getting used to.

One of the most prevalent complaints that some companies are saying is that a lot of the Indian VAs have incomprehensible accents and are of course difficult to understand, but these incidents are probably based on VAs that is not really all that much professional. So when thinking of hiring an Indian offshore VA, make sure that they are the legitimate ones and are already recommended by other companies that use their services.

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