Monday, August 6, 2012

What's the Easiest Way to Write a Book

Have you ever noticed how much people respect authors? Think about it. If your prospect has a choice of doing business with an author or a non-author, whom are they m ost likely to trust? The author, of course. And that can be you. I'm about to show you the easiest way to write a book.

You probably already know that authors get all the attention. It's because people innately trust authors. So if you are an expert in your niche, or if you are a business owner (which still makes you an expert) without a book, it's time to write one. In fact, becoming an author is essential, and it should be moved off the "someday I'll" list and onto the "Do it now" list.

Anything is easier when you have a system, so that is what I am about to share with you. I'm giving you the "easy button" steps to write a book. And remember, you don't have to write 300 or even 200 pages to be the author of a "real book."

You are an expert in something (probably several "somethings"), and no doubt you know some of the insider strategies or shortcuts that people crave. Everyone wants the easy way, right? If you have ways to save someone time, make something simple, or improve results, you have the makings of a tips book.

I can't think of an easier way for any expert to become an author than to write a tips book. You know loads of little-known shortcuts or insider secrets that people would love to read. I'll show you how right now.

I am going to give you a step by step trail of breadcrumbs to follow, but first, I know you have this question, because just about everybody does...

"How long does my book have to be?"

The answer is, "It's up to you." There is no Law written somewhere on stone tablets saying "this many pages maketh a book." One of my books is 152 pages. Another is 32. They're both books and they both make me officially "an author."

If you go to an online bookseller and put "tips" into the search box, you will discover there are no rules. Whether you have 101, 369, 365 or 88, it's still a book.

You can see a video about this at

Example: A web designer could write a book with 77 little known ways to improve your website traffic in 5 minutes or less.A great free gift to go along wiht the tips and explanations would be a series of "before and after" screenshots for the reader to download.

Because - You have all the information you need already. There is no research. - It doesn't take much time. You can write a tips book in a weekend if you wish. - When your book is done (which will happen in a very short amount of time), you will prove to yourself that you can write a book.

How to write your tips book, step by step:

1. Write a bunch of tips.

You decide whether to go low-tech or high-tech. Maybe you prefer a yellow pencil and thick pad of paper. Maybe you're inclined toward index cards. Or maybe you want the "new-fangled" computer. You get to choose.

2. Write the book.

If you take a piece of paper and fold it in half the short way, imagine that each page has a tip at the top and a few paragraphs. That's all you have to write. So you write the tip, leave some space, then craft the explanation. Tips are meant to be short, so don't get carried away.

Insider writing secrets - Write to one person not to "you guys." Only one person is reading the book. - Make sure you give your reader a reason to visit your website, such as a free downloadable gift. - The end of the book is the beginning of a relationship, so make an irresistible offer to your reader at the end of the book.

Congratulations! You now know how to write a tips book.

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