Friday, August 10, 2012

What are the Best Ways to Advertise on the Internet Part Two of Two

Pay per Click

This method is not for the faint hearted!

However it can be very lucrative way to drive targeted traffic to your website and hence make sales. It certainly is one of the quickest ways to get visitors to your site but also one of the quickest ways to lose your shirt/blouse if you don't know what you are doing!

Very basically what you do is bid on "keywords" that you believe your targeted market would use when searching on the internet. It comes down to how much an internet marketer is prepared to bid to get their advertising listed high up the rankings on search engines.

Bidding normally starts at $0.05 upwards. It is much more complicated than this however so PLEASE study this method more closely before committing to this form of advertising. Whilst you can use pay-per-click for almost any product/service it is normally better for "high ticket" sales.

Why? Let us say you spend $100 dollars.

If you are selling a $20 dollar product then you need to sell five just to break even. With a $400 dollar product just selling one you have made a $300 profit. Of course, on balance, you are likely to sell more $20 products than $400 ones but just bear this scenario in mind when planning your campaigns.

There are several advantages to this method although perhaps the main thrust is that you can get top rankings on a highly searched keywords or phrases on major search engines. That is to say people who are specifically looking to solve a problem which your product/service can address will be directed to your website thus very targeted traffic.

Social Networking

Lovely term but what does it mean?

Basically it is the grouping together of individuals into specific groups. The advantage of the internet is that there are millions of people all over the world who are interested in the same things.

This can be the same religion, politics, hobbies etc. and these networks develop friendships and business relationships. The disadvantage of social networks as far as advertising is concerned is that mostly this is frowned upon.

However providing you don't "over do it" you should be able to "mention in passing" your business perhaps by creating a signature line when you sign off with your name or send an email.

By adding your website name discreetly just under your signature should not cause too many problems provided that the rest of your post is interesting and doesn't blatantly advertise.

Search Engine Optimization.

This is a "get you to the top pages of the search engines sunshine" method.

It is the process of driving traffic to your website by weighing algorithmic (fancy word for search engine "hidden" systems!) search results in the site's favour.

There are two main considerations:- 1 Ensuring that high quality relevant content to the subject matter is maintained. 2 Link Popularity.

Please don't try to fool the search engines by trying to be too clever by introducing non relevant content in an attempt to boost your rating.

It won't work as search engines systems are now far too sophisticated.

Just be honest and give good quality information and you will be far more successful.

Link popularity is basically increasing the number of back links to your site. In other words how many other sites are linked to yours.

Video Marketing

Just what it says on the tin! Marketing your product using videos.

Article Marketing/Press Releases

Article Marketing is a very powerful tool when used correctly. It is one of the cheapest and easiest ways to get a lot of FREE traffic. The art of article marketing is to create excellent content that has interest for the targeted market and which will also result in getting back links to your site.

Press Releases are similar but in this case are written in the 3rd person and are normally, of course, about something "new".


An interesting way of getting FREE traffic by submitting your advertisements to over 30 High Traffic Cities.

However there are quite strict rules which you have to obey if you wish to avoid being "blacklisted". Certainly worth considering but make sure you do due diligence before proceeding.

As I mentioned at the beginning this report is intended to give an overview of some of the best known ways of advertising on the internet but each method needs to be considered in more depth before use.

To YOUR success

John Beaumont Internet Marketer

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