Thursday, August 9, 2012

The Top 4 Benefits of Article Marketing

Article marketing can help promote your business, but only if it is done correctly. First, let's talk about what article marketing is. Article
marketing is simply writing short articles based on a product or service you are promoting. Each article only needs to contain about 400-600 words. Writing an article is much like writing a one-page paper. It needs to be short, but offers good information that goes straight to the point.

Concentrate on writing these one-page papers very well. Grammar, punctuation and good sentence structure is important. Even more important is content. Only write good quality, original content. High-quality content is important not only for gaining the trust of your readers, but for the article directories that will examine your article after your submission. Once you have distributed your article to different online directories, you will be found easily on search engines. Millions of people will be able to read what you have to offer.

Find some good keywords and place them in the title, first paragraph and 1-2 other places within the article. These keywords will help make your article be easily found by search engines. The power of the internet is now right in your own back yard.

Here are some benefits of article marketing:

1. Become an authority. A well written article will gain the respect of others in the field you are trying to reach. The more good quality articles you produce, the more trust you gain and the more products or services you will be able to sell!

2. It's cheap! If you write your own articles, then the only thing you have lost is your time and energy in writing and researching. You don't have to be Walt Whitman in order to write good articles. Do your research and edit your articles thoroughly. You can always have someone else edit them for you. If you absolutely don't think you can write good articles, then hire someone else to write them. Just be sure that what they are writing is of good quality.

3. Build your links. A well written article will have a link back to your website. Now, repeat after me "links are your friend". Links will help build up your website search engine ranking. A link can be placed in the resource box of your article. In most article directories, you are allowed a total of 2 links. Your readers will know where to get more information about your topic and the search engines will like you too.

4. Create a target audience. Guess who will read your article? Those who are really interested in what you have to offer! It's a win-win for everyone! Again, good content is important in order to target your audience. You want to get people who are already interested in your topic to read your article. They are the ones that are most likely ready and willing to buy.

If all of this is done correctly, the benefits of article marketing will last a very long time. Give your audience exactly what they want and you will drive incredible amounts of traffic to your website. Now get busy and start writing!

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