Thursday, August 23, 2012

The House Of Health

How do some people age gracefully with optimal health throughout their entire life, while others do not? Sit back, buckle up and get on the road to optimal healthcare.

Today, we are going to discuss the "House of Health". What is the "House of Health"? Well, to discuss the "House of Health" first we need to bring up the Food Triangle or the Food Pyramid. Yes, the Food Pyramid, the old way of thinking when it comes to how we need to eat.

See, this old Food Triangle and the Food Pyramid a lot of people are familiar with is something that was created by the government. And of course, the government was given money by the food lobbyists to put certain foods in certain positions on this Food Pyramid. Of course, the food industries that have the most money get "pole positions". The food industries that have the most money are the dairy,meat,wheat and the genetically modified organism industry. Things like wheat, grains, pastas, breads, lots of dairy are mainly starchy, highly refined carbohydrates have made themselves, or made their way onto the base of this Food Triangle. These are all the foods (the refined carbohydrates),that make us fat, sick and diseased. They rapidly accelerate degeneration of our bones,our organs and our minds. So, you see, all the bad stuff is really what is the most prominent stuff on the Food Triangle or the Food Pyramid.

The "House of Health" is very different. At the base or the foundation of the "House of Health" you have lots of non-starchy greens, non-starchy carbohydrates; vegetables, lots of vegetables of all different shapes, sizes and colors. You also have really good fats; things like flax oils, fish oils,almonds, walnuts and avocados. Really good, healthy fats and then as you work your way up into the framework of that House you have low sugar fruits such as lemons, limes and tomatoes. You also have berries and low sugar fruits. And then you have walnuts and almonds and you have all kinds of different vegetables up there in the framework. In the roof you also have things like fish and you have things like buckwheat and kwinwah, non- gluten, non-inflammatory types of grains. You have incredible vegetables and things like etomomay which is the young soybean in the pod; a very popular Asian food. So these things are very non- starchy, non-inflammatory grains and vegetables and great f! ats and, of course, this is not sponsored by the government because it is really not endorsing any one-food industry. So now that you understand a little bit more about what food you should be eating, you can start getting healthy and really staying healthy. Knowledge is power!

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