Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Take Control Of Your Life With Covert Hypnosis

Copyright (c) 2010 Nick Clipton

If you are the type who has difficulty in taking control of your life, then the best thing to do would be to study and learn how to use covert hypnosis techniques. No, not to take control of other's thoughts and actions, this article is about taking control of yourself.

There are some people who are so susceptible to suggestions that they lose their personalities altogether. They cannot seem to make decisions on their own, neither can they take action without someone or something dictating them on what to do. Covert hypnosis might just work to your benefit.

Covert hypnosis has several names: stealth hypnosis, subliminal hypnosis, instant hypnosis, conversational hypnosis or underground hypnosis.

If you are the type who can be easily manipulated, isn't it about time to turn the tables and take over for once? Covert hypnosis influence another's subconscious to make decisions in the favor of the hypnotist. Learn ways to turn this to your advantage if you feel that you are trapped into a corner.

Learn to use words to your advantage by making them agree to you instead of the other way around. Or if the manipulation is done through the media, then learn to tune out the suggestions. You can actually hypnotize yourself by simply learning techniques that will make the negative into positive.

For example, if someone is adamantly influencing you to buy something which you know you don't need, try to stop them mid sentence, issue a simple word, "no" and turn around and leave. And don't let them stop you from leaving. Once you give in and get back to listen to them, you are a done deal. Turn around and tell yourself that you don't need to buy something which you cannot afford. Another way to do this is to change the topic into something which both of you will enjoy.

Talk about things that will open the imagination. One good technique is to make a joke out of their careful manipulations. Like if they want you to do something for them, immediately say, "imagine if I do this for you and ......." That distraction will break their attempts to bond with your subconscious.

The point that is being said here is that if you are susceptible it is because you allow yourself to be susceptible and if those manipulators can break down you weak psychological barriers it is because you allowed the barriers to be weak in the first place. Take control of your life, make covert hypnotism work to your advantage and build those walls that will protect you from buying and doing things that you would normally not do.

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