Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Summer Tennis Camps - The Right One Can Really Make a Difference

With summer tennis camps springing up like mushrooms all over the country, parents have a sometimes overwhelming number of choices to make in determining the best one for their children. Ensuring a happy, healthy, enriching experience requires some heavy-duty research into a number of factors, a process which should be initiated well ahead of time. Summer sports camps for kids vary in intensity of training, from complete immersion to just an hour or two of instruction and practice, so it is imperative that parent and child be on the same page in regard to the philosophy and schedule of any particular camp.

Assuming the youngster is truly committed to improving their game, there are a number of issues that should be addressed when selecting a summer tennis camp. The question of teacher-to-student ratio is of utmost importance, as is the amount of time spent practicing and competing. Coaches and counselors should have an extensive tennis background and solid teaching skills, along with the kind of personality that both inspires and motivates. The qualifications of key personnel, including those of a nurse or other medical practitioner, should be made known to parents prior to registration.

Although tennis should be the campers' main focus, other activities are essential for a well-rounded experience. Swimming, volleyball and similar outdoor sports may be combined with indoor rainy-day fun, as well as more traditional pastimes like bonfires, cookouts and movies. Daily activity schedules can be provided in advance for parents and kids to get an idea of what to expect.

A good program will not only improve a youngster's skills on the court; it will also encourage them to make friends, develop confidence, and learn to live and play amiably with their peers. Parent queries should be answered openly and honestly and all trepidations should be laid to rest before enrolling a child in any summer sports camp; a confident and competent proprietor should be able to settle any and all matters to the family's satisfaction.

One way to get a good feel for the program you're considering is by asking the staff for references, who are often former campers. Ask them if they would return, how much they learned and improved their games, how they liked the staff and amenities and, above all, if they had fun. After all, even if a kid does learn to play tennis at a professional level, if summer camp feels more like demanding work than a fun-filled vacation, it's unlikely they'll want to go back next year - or continue on the road to Wimbledon.

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