Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Some Tips on SEO and Outsourcing

Copyright (c) 2010 Nick Clipton

One of the many complaints by US companies when dealing with offshore SEO services is the lack of knowledge. Some service companies think that linking is the only SEO method and this is so 1990s. There are now more ways to optimize the websites and they are very simple to do. Here are some tips to improving the onsite SEO.

Google says that there has to be an indexable text-based content which can be visible to Googlebot. It is very important to check and see if there are or there aren't any txt that can be indexed. The only way to do this is to use a text browser like Lynx which can check on the issues. If your service company is not familiar with Lynx, then it is time to look for the online information which can tutor your personnel. This way, your knowledge can be increased and you can provide more for your present and future clients.

The next tip is the web content. If there is not enough content then it cannot be optimized. Increase the number of articles on the site for people to read and learn from, make use of the 'user reviews and comments' which can also add content. Make sure that your site has the ability to add user comments. Good or bad reviews or comments can increase your profits.

With the additional content, your traffic can increase because the search engines can tap your content. If your site has mostly images, flash videos and such, then the user's comments should be utilized. People who look at the images of the stuff you are trying to sell would like to know from other people their experiences. If the contents increase by user's comments, there is also the danger of increasing the Spam that may come into the site.

Avoid this by making sure that there is a limit to the comments. As an outsourcing company, it is always best to be on top of things when it comes to knowledge. Continue learning new methods to increase the sales of the companies that hire you and they will continue to use your services.

Quality work is very much in demand and this is slowly eroded by cheap and inadequate service providers that are giving good service providers a bad reputation. Improve your services and increase your clientele, this is the only way to compete in this field.

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