Monday, August 13, 2012

Side Effects and Benefits of Lap Band Surgery

Lap band surgery is just one of the several procedures that are available today for losing weight. These types of surgeries are referred to as gastric bypass surgeries. Their intention is to constrict the amount of food and calories that a person can eat thus helping with the losing of weight. The best thing about band surgery is that is does not involve large openings of the chest cavity and these days can be done laproscopically.

Lapband surgery involves an adjustable lap band that is tightened around the stomach tube at the top of the stomach. What this does is restrict the food that the person can eat. Most lap bands are a balloon type rings which can be blown up and adjusted just like a tire. Essentially, that is what the band is. It involves small incisions in which the lapband is inserted and then tightened around the food tube or esophagus. This is far less intrusive than the stomach stapling surgery because with that you are stapling off the largest part of your stomach and rerouting your intestines to your smaller stomach pouch.

This will help you lose weight quick but these days there have been too many cases where 10 years down the line the person dies for the lack of absorption that was there before. With stomach stapling one must keep a supplement program for the rest of your life. Once you lose weight with the lap band you can have it removed. The biggest thing is changing your eating habits and resorting to a healthier lifestyle.

When it comes to weight loss surgery, the lapband surgery is the best option. There are fewer worries with the lap band than with major surgery. One other consideration with stomach stapling is that most doctors will not work with you unless you are very obese. Some doctors will advise the lap band procedure in cases where you are trying to lose less than 200 pounds. Stomach stapling is for those people who are 500 and 600 pounds overweight and their last choice resort is to have the stomach stapling procedure done. Lap band is a far better choice.

Always be sure to ask your doctor plenty of questions about the side effects and other possible complications. This procedure does require surgery and with any surgery there is always risk involved. Surgical weight loss procedures should only be chosen after safer methods have been attempted.

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