Thursday, August 16, 2012

More Work in Less Time for Greater Fat Loss

Continuous 20-Minutes is a high intensity interval training boot camp-style workout where the goal is to perform the same amount of work in less time and/or more work in the same amount of time or less.

Each workout consists of a 4-exercise circuit that works your entire body. Every 2 minutes you will perform 10 reps of each exercise (5 reps/side for unilateral movements) in the circuit as fast as you can with perfect form and technique.

The goal is to complete each circuit within 60-90 seconds and then you rest for the remaining time left in each 2-minute round. In other words, the faster your complete each round the more rest you get and visa versa.

You will perform 10 total rounds for an KILLER 20-minute metabolic workout.

If your completion time is 60 seconds or less then you need to INCREASE the intensity of your workout by increasing loads and/or using more advanced exercise variations.

If your completion time is longer than 90 seconds then you need to DECREASE the intensity of your workout by decreasing loads and/or using easier exercise variations.

Why does it work?

"Training Density" describes the amount of work completed in a certain period of time.

''Work" describes total training volume which is the number of reps you perform for each exercise times the loads/exercise variation used to do so.

The more work you complete in the same amount of time the greater the muscular demand and the calorie burn resulting in lean muscle gain and improved fat loss.

To take training density to the next level, seek to complete MORE work in the SAME amount of time or LESS.

Since you must perform 10 reps of each exercise in the 4-exercise circuit, this can be accomplished by either increasing the load used or by using a more advanced exercise variation where applicable from week to week.

In other words:

10 reps for each exercise in the circuit X
4 total exercise within each circuit X
10 total rounds =
400 total reps in 20 minutes

For example, if you used a 10 lb dumbbell for all exercises within the circuit that means you would have performed 4,000 lbs of work in 20 minutes. Not too shabby!

However, if you progressed to using a 15 lbs dumbbell for all exercises within the circuit by the end of the phase that would mean you performed 6,000 lbs of work in 20 minutes. That's 2,000 lbs more than you did in your first workout!

Now the only way your body could meet this increased workload is by boosting lean body mass eliminating unwanted body fat. Plus, since your heart rate will be elevated throughout the entire workout, your overall conditioning will go through the roof this phase.

This progressive overload is the key to making your body change.

Here are three sample workouts you could perform using the continuous 20-minute density-training format.

Workout 1
1. Vertical Jumps
2. Spiderman Push-ups
3. Single-leg Deadllifts
4. Reverse Lunges

Workout 2
1. Skater Jumps
2. Scorpion Push-ups
3. Bent-over Rows
4. Lateral Lunges

Workout 3
1. Burpees
2. Cross-over Push-ups
3. Squats
4. 1-arm Deadlifts


Justin Yule, BS, CPT, YFS

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