Monday, August 20, 2012

Looking For The Secret To Internet Marketing Success........Here Are My Top 6

So you want to make your living online and you're looking for the secret to internet marketing success, well here are my top 6!

1. Take action and avoid information overload

It is vital to understand that you don't earn money learning new skills, you only earn money 'doing'.

Of course you have to learn how to do something before you can do it but you must get the balance right, it is very easy to get stuck in a cycle of constantly buying new products and never actually taking action with any of them.

The solution here is to take action with your new product/idea and see it through to its conclusion. You can then step back and evaluate your results. If you don't do this but continually hop from one idea to the next you will never learn what works and what doesn't, information overload will kick in and leave you confused and frustrated.

2. Don't strive for perfection

This is one of my own failings, I am guilty of spending far too much time trying to make my work perfect when I would be considerably more productive if I just concentrated on getting it done.

Successful internet marketers know that they will make more money the more websites they have online, so they play the numbers game and churn out site after site. You will find typos in their sales pages but that doesn't stop them making sales and building their lists.

So the motto here is "don't do it perfect, just do it"

3. Put list building at the centre of your IM business -- this is the most important secret to internet marketing success.

I know it's been said a thousand times but I'll say it again;

"The money is in the list"

I was several months into my IM career before I fully grasped this. My first eBook was selling well and my list was growing, I'd banked a few thousand dollars and was feeling rather pleased with myself.

I was asked to promote a product launch to my subscribers and as it was a quality product that I had tried and tested myself I agreed and emailed my list.

One week later I had made more in affiliate commissions than I had made in the previous six months from my eBook sales!

Don't make the mistake of thinking that you need tens of thousands of subscribers to make worthwhile money from your list, this is simply not true.

If you really want to be successful and make money online then you must start building a list, don't put this off, this isn't something you do after you've started making money, this isn't an add-on or a 'side income'.

Every website you build must be focused on capturing your visitors contact information, this must be at the centre of everything you do online.

4. It isn't what you know, it's who you know

Having created my first product and submitted it to ClickBank I focused my time on driving traffic to my sales page, my efforts were rewarded with a trickle of sales and subscribers to my list.

This trickle turned into a flood when I began to develop relationships with established marketers in my niche.

I soon realized that the established players in my niche had the power to add hundreds of subscribers to my lists and thousands of dollars to my profits by promoting my products to their lists of subscribers.

5. Learn from the big players

As you follow and interact with your niche leaders observe how they do things.

When you join their lists observe how they introduce themselves and what information they provide in their first email, how long they wait before sending their next message, how often they email after that, how they recommend products etc.

Remember, these techniques are tried and tested and if they work for the big players they can work for you.

And my final secret to internet marketing success?

6. Don't bust a gut trying to find a unique product or a new idea

The chances of you or me coming up with a completely new idea that is going to make us a fortune are very slim indeed. You really don't need something completely new to succeed in internet marketing, there is also no such thing as an 'overcrowded niche' the fact is that there are many millions of people online and they are joined by hundreds of thousands of new people every day so there will always be room for a quality product that addresses the needs of these people.

So when you're researching a niche don't look for 'new' look for 'established'.

OK, now you know the secrets when will you take action?

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