Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Listen to Your Customers: It is a Basic in Marketing

It is not hard to get tangled with the latest publicity in internet marketing and promotions. "The next big thing" is what is always on the minds of business owners even when not online. But it is important to keep in mind that the groundwork of all this is your thorough understanding of the customer. Being conscious in identifying their needs and wants at the very beginning, made you reach the stage of success you are in right now.

Unfortunately, a lot of marketers soon lose focus. In this post, we aim to go back to basics. Companies can learn a lot of their customers. Even after they think they knew everything already, new trends will unexpectedly pop up and alter their tastes and preferences. New discoveries are essential to helping you expand your market base as well.

Learn to Use Market Research

Every business organisation knows the value of listening to their customers. In theory, they all believe this but majority don't make a conscious effort to know what their customers think. A lot of companies thinks that they should continue on "pushing". That is, they market their products, services, and brands through print, television, and online.

It also closes the possibility of interaction even though it can be effective in most cases. A lot of marketers tend to forget to ask their customers' thoughts about the company's new launches, existing products, and even new advertising message. Receiving feedback will give helpful insight to their minds. For example, if your business depends on sales agents, they will let you know how well the staff is meeting their needs.

There are thousands of market research tools that can aid in attaining this objective. Surveys, questionnaires, focus groups, and one-on-one interviews are just some of the preferred method of companies today. The methods that possibly fits most is surveys. It is can be conducted easily and it allows you to reach a lot of people immediately.

If you haven't used surveys before, here are some ideas on how to start:

* Offer an incentive for people who complete the survey. It can come in the form of product discount or freebies.
* Include survey cards with every customer purchase. If you're managing a brick-and-mortar establishment, have a drop box near the cashier or exit.
* Start a contest. Many people respond to contest especially if the prise is something they're interested in. Add a twist by calling for video submissions or pictures (with the customer using the product).

If you would rather outsource this and focus on your core operations, there are a lot of online survey firms that can accomplish this task for you. Make sure that they have a good reputation before offering the contract.

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