Saturday, August 11, 2012

How to Catch a Cab in a Major Metropolitan Area

So it's your first visit to the City by the Bay, and you find yourself needing convenient, comfortable, and personal transportation. Well, surely you have heard of the taxicab. Those are those cars and vans with the big letters on the side and the word "TAXI" in lights on top. But how does one go about acquiring the services of one of these handy vehicles? How can you take advantage of the comfort and style offered by a taxi service in the Bay Area or any other major city? Here are some things to keep in mind.

1. Hailing. A driver's attention isn't difficult to get, and if they are available, they will more than likely stop and pick you right up. Whatever you do, don't go running to the corner waving your arms like a lunatic and shouting "taxi!" at the top of your lungs. Not because it is less likely to get the attention of a cab driver, but because it is annoying to those around you (and makes you look as touristy as if you were wearing a Hawaiian shirt and socks with sandals). The proper way to hail a taxi is to take a step into the street (carefully) and simply raise your arm and/or wave while making eye contact.

2. Hotels, etc. If you are having trouble finding cabs to hail, or they are just not stopping, find the nearest hotel (or some restaurants and bars in the evening hours) and see if there isn't a line of taxis just sitting there waiting for a passenger. Go to the first taxi in the line and politely ask the driver if he or she is available. Often, there is a valet here who will find you one in the queue. If there are no taxis in line, ask the front desk if they will call one for you. Or, if there is an airport taxi shuttle driver there doing nothing, he might be persuaded to give you a lift as well.

3. Use your phone. Lots of today's modern cameras can be used as telephones as well. If all the taxis you are trying to hail keep whizzing by, take down the number of the taxi service on the side of the vehicle, and give them a call. Chances are they will be able to send you a taxi in a reasonable amount of time. You can even do a little research and put the number in your speed dial before you hit town.

Armed with these tips and tricks, you should be grabbing taxis like a pro in no time.

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