Friday, August 17, 2012

Digging on the Hype of Video Marketing

Video blogging is getting popular. It is one of the newest marketing tools on the internet these days. According to some experts, it can make your company a leader in the industry if you use it efficiently. Although this is true for some extent, you should not forget that there are a lot of misunderstood conceptions that abound about its usage. The video's ability to drive results may be limited too.

Eyeballs Generated vs. Real Effectiveness

Statistics reveal that around 80% of internet users in developed countries watch videos in any given month; this information is based on Youtube's factsheet. Whatever way you see it, this is really an impressive number. In order to take advantage of video marketing though, the initiative should be approached strategically.

Putting up endless videos on the internet does not work often. It may generate eyeballs but how important is it to your business? Many businesses that want to benefit from video marketing seldom understand what it entails. They approach PR/marketing firms and then give the instruction to "create videos and make it go viral".

It's not as easy as that. If your business contenders is now doing well in this idea, it is only because they studied the market. A video that is too advertorial or pushes products/services too heavily will only make you look pushy. People wouldn't want to view it let alone share it with friends. Videos need to pass the "so what" test first before it can truly generate benefits for your company.

Create a Continuous Dialogue

Depending on the type of company you run, the videos produced must focus on different things too. For instance, if you are running an online automotive parts/accessory shop, creating "how-to" videos will bring relevant results. Make sure to use the products you're selling in the instructions. Meanwhile, if you are a running a costume shop, a video that shows the positive reactions of people during the event itself will get more attention that say, showing them how to put on the costumes.

So how do you create an ongoing dialogue accurately? Well, after you have captured their attention easily, the next step is easier. There should definitely be a "related videos" section on your website. If visitors find this effective, they will inevitably come back when they need additional help or entertainment. Also, integrate an opt-in box into the webpage to alert loyal audiences whenever new content is uploaded.

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