Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Covert Hypnosis and S.T.E.A.L.T.H.

Copyright (c) 2010 Nick Clipton

Covert hypnosis is the technique used to secretly manipulate the subconscious of an individual with the use of conversational words. The subject has to be the type who is easily subject to suggestions and careful manipulations. Anyone who has a strong character or has strong psychological barriers may be difficult to influence. So if

S.T.E.A.L.T.H. simply means Strategic Suggestion through Easily Applied Linguistically Triggered Hypnosis. In short, conversational hypnosis.

S.T.E.A.L.T.H. is an acronym that was developed by devious marketing strategists and writers who wanted to market the same technique in a seminar by luring people in to learn something new when in all actuality; it is the same seminar that they are attending.

This acronym has been very successful and has also frustrated a lot of others who were in the lookout of improving their skills and techniques. Instead, they get the same, for a higher price, given by different speakers who wished to have a piece out of the hypnosis market.

As more and more people are getting aware of the technique, more and more junk are coming in; one of them is the use of acronyms that triggers responses. Stealth is a word that means the same thing actually, covert and hidden strategies, yet the military appeal of the word triggers a response to the readers and listeners who allows the curiosity bug to infect them.

Needless to say, a lot of people get frustrated but it is still really their fault, they allowed themselves to be victimized by their own chosen technique, at least they know that their technique works, even on them.

To avoid getting lured into the web of coercion and manipulation, raise the psychological barriers a notch and guard against obvious marketing strategies designed to get money from the pockets.

As more and more people get interested, more and more people learn the techniques and will turn the tables on the others. Guarding against the obvious should be part of the defense that is established, especially in this game.

For those who have never had the experience of learning these hypnotic techniques, going to a S.T.E.A.L.T.H. seminar is a good thing. Here, one will learn the technique of covert and conversational hypnosis and even if it is not something which can be used by the individual because they are not cut out for it, at least one good thing will come out of it: the awareness that anyone can be manipulated on the strength of a word.

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